August 2008
Table of Contents
Leadership Cartoon
Leadership Cartoon: Paul Hughes
Paul Hughes
Paul Hughes is our guest cartoonist. Born and raised in London England, Married with 2 grown children living in Ontario, Canada.
For Bill Bates
Russ Volckmann
California Newspaper Publishers Award winner and two-time Pulitzer Prize Nominee Bill Bates produces weekly cartoons for the Carmel Pine Cone and political cartoons for the Monterey County Herald. Five-thousnd of his pen and ink drawings from 133 countries have been published in 28 Cruise Sketchbooks that include 14 Around The World Cruises. His latest book […]
Leading Comments
Leading Comments: This Issue
Russ Volckmann
I want to thank all of you who sent healing messages and energy to Bill Bates. He is still in the hospital so if you have more of that, please send it his way via the Integral Leadership Review. Note additional comments about his condition in the space usually filled with one of his extraordinary […]
Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote
[E]nvironmental leadership and leaders…are critical to the future of human well-being world-wide. Therefore, there is no more urgent task than to encourage and nurture the next generation of environmental leaders. The most important message we have to offer is that environmental leadership consists largely of learned skills and styles and that learning needs to begin […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip: The Availability of a Leader
Aboodi Shabi
The Drucker Foundation has this to say about leadership – “The only definition of leader is someone who has followers”. In other words, as a leader, it is your capacity to engage with others in such a way that they are willing to follow you that marks you as a leader. For all of us […]
Fresh Perspective
Fresh Perspectives: Developing Integral Leadership Down Under: An Interview with Ron Cacioppe
Russ Volckmann
Russ: I’m very much aware that you’ve been interested in the idea of Integral Leadership for a number of years. I first became aware of your work in publications in the Leadership and Organizational Development Journal and then later in the Journal of Change Management. Your interest at that time seemed to be very much oriented to the subject […]
Dialogue: The Horse, the Magpie, the Buffalo and the Hoop
Patric Roberts and Andrew Campbell
S O N G Native Bead Brooch While many will have their minds firmly fixed on the story of the butterfly that, by flapping her wings in the forests of Amazonia creates storms in New York, very few will pay attention to the real miracle, which is that of the irreversible transformation in chaos of the pupa […]
Dialogue: Integral Theory into Integral Action: Part 11
Mark Edwards and Russ Volckmann
Russ closed the last part of this dialogue, “A challenge before us, then, is to demonstrate how multiple lenses can reduce perception of demi-reality and increase perception of reality.” Furthermore he suggested a set of criteria for a case study of the application of multiple lenses to a phenomenon of leadership. Mark: I will make a […]
Feature Articles
Feature Article: Theoretical Foundations of Integrative Leadership
Barbara Crosby
Integrative leadership is an emerging leadership approach that fosters collective action across many types of boundaries in order to achieve the common good. It brings together leadership concepts and practice rooted in five major sectors of society—business, government, nonprofits, media, and community. It focuses on leadership development at all levels, from individual to global. This […]
Feature Article: The Both/And of Leadership in Living Systems Change
Helen Titchen Beeth
We are faced with a growing list of models related to leadership and living systems change. Too often these models are pitted against each other in our conversations and we fail to drawn on their collective potential. I offer here an essay that can be used to frame our ability explore the conditions of change […]
Feature Article: Leaders Want to be Loved: What’s So Wrong with That?
Amiel Handelsman
Over the past year I received similar introductions to five bright executives in different organizations. Before each coaching assignment began, I was cautioned, “(S)he’s very hard-nosed. Doesn’t like touchy-feely. Focus on business issues. No soft stuff.” In each situation, I realized that this advice was both helpful and limited. On the one hand, I interpreted […]
Feature Article: Leadership in Indian Corporations Through the SDi Lens
Raghu Ananthanarayanan
Is there a case to understand leadership in a developing nation differently from Leadership in a developed economy? I do not suggest that I know the answer by I do realize that an enquiry into this question will be worthwhile. By comparing my experience of working with a few organizations in India, I am hoping […]
Feature Article: Van der Horst’s Integral Law of Requisite Contrariety: Practical Paradoxes to Live By and Other Notes on the Illusion of Failure
Brian Van der Horst
Thinking of going integral? Sure, there’s all this theory, but are you actually, concretely evolving? Are you walking your talk? You may be entertaining limiting beliefs that form self-imposed, but invisible, unexamined barriers to becoming an integral human being. If you are one of those who still think you are flawed, incomplete, and unsatisfied by […]
Feature Article: Catalysing the Second Renaissance: Creating a Sustainable Business Model for a Thriving Planet
Robin Wood
“…We can address poverty, climate change, and environmental destruction at a very modest cost today with huge benefits for shared and sustainable prosperity and peace in the future…” Al Gore: Winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize and Former Vice President of the United States “We have reached the beginning of the twenty-first century with […]
Integral for the Masses
Integral for the Masses: Leadership Lessons from Randy
Keith Bellamy
As I sit to write this article my mailbox is starting to fill with reports from the attendees at the Integral Theory Conference near San Francisco that was held last week. If I am totally honest, I am more than a little envious of the wonderful experience that attendees seemed to have had and look […]
Notes from the Field
Notes From the Field: Renaissance2- A Quick Update on the 2nd Quarter of 2008 & Forthcoming Events
Robin Wood
At the beginning of this year Renaissance2 was just a very exciting vision amongst a small group of people. Six months later this vision is starting to become reality, and our progress is now accelerating as we connect with more and more people inspired by the possibilities. What follows is a brief update on our […]
Notes from the Field: A Photo Presentation of the Integral Theory Conference
Kim Smith
Introduction: For many involved this conference was not only an eagerly anticipated meeting of minds, but a gathering of kindred Spirits – a family reunion – nourishing for the soul. The Integral Theory Conference was a refreshing reminder of why we make regular travel to integral gatherings and highlights the importance of sharing how we each […]
Notes From the Field: The Simplicity of Complexity: New Eyes, New Lenses, New Palestine A 2nd Tier Presentation by Don Beck and Elza Maalouf at the World Future Society
Laura Horn
As I sit here, writing and editing this piece for the Integral Leadership Review, I’m also reflecting on the 3.5 decades I’ve lived with and worked within the theory and framework, designed by Clare Graves, to understand individual, organizational and cultural human development. Three and a half decades ago, I didn’t know it would be known […]
Notes from the Field: Integral Theory Conference, 2008
I would suggest that the Integral Theory Conference, held at JFK University in August 2008 was an unqualified success. Sean Esjborn- Hargensand Mark Foreman were the organizers with a whole lot of help from others. In order to provide you with a sense of the conference I asked Ed Kelly of Ireland, Australia and currently […]
Notes from the Field: Integral Mexico Project: Creating a Mexican MeshWork, One Step at a Time
Roberto Bonilla N.
In 2003 Dr. Don Beck and I were at Los Pinos (the Mexican White House); a couple of friends of mine “opened the doors”. We were in a huge conference room with more than 50 important people who run our country’s destiny every day. Don was telling them how we plant seeds with these (SDi) […]
Leadership Emerging
Leadership Emerging
Russ Volckmann
“CEO Survey: Forward March,” Inc. Special Issue 500: Meet This Year’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies, Inc. September 2008. P. 212. Elements of their CEO Survey a spread liberally throughout the publication show no statistics that I could find and excerpt out very few comments. They asked CEO’s to define their leadership styles. Here is the sampling of their […]
Book Reviews
Book Review: Unmasking the Myths of “Emergence” and “Self Organization”
Sara Nora Ross
Kalman’s Kosmos Matthew Kalman is on paternity leave. We look forward to his return to Integral Leadership Review soon. In the meanwhile, we will offer the opportunity to review books (and other documents) to those with a capacityto “go deep.” Sara Nora Ross is one of those people. Additional comments about the book in which […]
Russ Volckmann
Integral Theory Conference Follow-up Conference Recording Purchase the MP3 Recordings of ALL conference presentations, panels and keynote presentations (over 100 hrs of leading edge integral content!). $149. Product will ship in mid-September (allow up to 4 weeks for delivery). JFK University Masters in Integral Theory Fall 2008 Cohort of Online Certificate and Masters in Integral […]
Coda: Thriving in the Face of Urgency
Russ Volckmann
The World is in crisis. No, I didn’t say the world was going to come to an end on New Years Day. Or that there is some kind of huge spiritual event that will transform us… Rather, as the readers of this journal are no doubt aware, it just seems like the number and levels […]
Global Values Update
Global Values Update: Alan Tonkin Developing Countries, Democracy & Values
Alan Tonkin
Introduction In considering the role of developing countries in the 21st Century there is little doubt that their position on the “values scale” largely determines their relative progress on the economic and social fronts. There are a number of global indicators that can be used including the “Failed States Index 2008” produced by and The Fund […]