February 2002
Table of Contents
Leading Comments
Leading Comments
Russ Volckmann
Mission I am grateful to the almost 400 subscribers to Integral Leadership Review. Your support means that we can move closer to a way of viewing and being in the world that is integrative, generative and supportive of our evolving integrity – learning to align our theory and our action, our values and assumptions with achieving […]
Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote
“There are many leaders, not just one. Leadership is distributed. It resides not solely in the individual at the top, but in every person at every level who, in one way or another, acts as a leader to a group of followers – wherever in the organization that person is, whether shop steward, team head, […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip
Russ Volckmann
When coaching an executive about engaging in dialogue with others it is useful to distinguish dialogue from other types of conversation. Dialogue is about learning. The focus of the learning is oneself. It is learning about one’s values, beliefs, assumptions and intentions. It brings to awareness what we already know and believe and often surfaces […]
Fresh Perspective
A Fresh Perspective: Stages of Development
Russ Volckmann
In the January 2002 issue of the Integral Leadership Review (Self Management) I briefly discussed developmental psychology and mentionedSusann Cook-Greuter’s work. A few days ago, I asked her the following question. Here it is with her response. Question: “I have been reviewing the materials from the LDP (Leadership Development Profile) and your “Descriptions of Ego-Development Stages of Action Logics.” […]
Feature Articles
Feature Article: Attunement – Integral Leadership, Part 12
Russ Volckmann
In the last issue we explored the idea of self-management, particularly, management of the relationship between intention and behavior. This encompasses how one’s espoused theories with values, beliefs and assumptions relate to the actions one takes. How, for example, does a leader’s values relate to how s/he manages action in relation to peers, subordinates and other stakeholders. […]
John Agno
John Agno, “ Unintended Consequences of Performance Reviews” Positive organizational change doesn’t take place unless the employee buys into the new corporate culture’s intended conformity roles and behavior. The unintended consequences of a new employee evaluation system can send the company reeling. Last year, we witnessed how Ford Motor Company’s use of a new forced-ranking system […]