February 2005
Table of Contents
Leading Comments
Leading Comments
Russ Volckmann
Please Note: You will find that some of the articles in this issue are longer than usual. It is my hope that the quality of the content more than justifies this. We are beginning the fifth year of publication of the Integral Leadership Review. It is increasingly taking the form that I hoped, although I am […]
Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote
“There is a tendency to be dependent on individual leaders. To me, it is important to develop collective leadership. I don’t like to get credit for all that we achieved. Millions of people contributed to the results that we achieved…I like more egalitarian relationships. I especially like to orient people to learn.” ~Anatakas Mockus, Mayor […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip
Russ Volckmann
The coaching conversations related to the use and design of scenarios can offer a useful way to open discussions of values, beliefs, assumptions, mental models, aspirations, etc., that the executive client holds, supports and defends. One of the most useful contributions the coaching process can make is testing and determining what is truly important to […]
Fresh Perspective
A Fresh Perspective: Developing Leaders and Ourselves An Interview with Bob Anderson
Russ Volckmann
Bob Anderson has been a leader in the development of integral approaches to developing leaders. Q In your writing I see the words “spiritual” and “soul.” Do you use those in the world of business? A: Yes, but carefully, at the right moment and not in connection with a particular religious perspective. But you’re probably looking […]
Feature Articles
Feature Article: P2P and the Corporation ~ Foundation for P2P Alternatives
Michel Bauwens
In the material to follow I believe we have an example of the analysis that is still so underdeveloped of the lower quadrants of the integral model. While the focus is not leadership, per se, it is certainly about the cultures and systems in which leadership emerges. The immediate challenge it presents, from my point […]
Feature Article: Scenarios and Process: Emanation
Russ Volckmann
In this series of articles I have been exploring the use of scenarios for leadership development somewhat abstractly. In the next few issues I hope to examine this approach with more attention to method and process. This article begins an outline of the process or approach that one would use with clients to develop such […]
Integral for the Masses
Integral For the Masses: Integral Leadership Advice from One of the First Management Consultants
Keith Bellamy
As I embarked on my own personal odyssey and started to develop a personal Transformative Practice in the days before I had heard of Integral let alone started to try to understand what it means, I pursued three avenues of enlightenment.  Before I tell you what they were, I feel I need to give you […]
CODA: Hardball
Russ Volckmann
Remember all of that work that has been done to propagate the idea that the culture of a company and its people count? And remember all of those reports of near death experiences and the visions that people have? Well, George Stalk doesn’t put the lies to those, but he does challenge our images about […]