June 2007
Table of Contents
Leadership Cartoon
Leadership Cartoon: Bill Bates
Bill Bates
California Newspaper Publishers Award winner and two-time Pulitzer Prize Nominee Bill Bates produces weekly cartoons for the Carmel Pine Cone and political cartoons for the Monterey County Herald. Five-thousnd of his pen and ink drawings from 133 countries have been published in 28 Cruise Sketchbooks that include 14 Around The World Cruises. His latest book of cartoons Bates On […]
Leading Comments
Leading Comments: The Hubris of No Doubt
Russ Volckmann
Have you ever read Richard Feynman’s essay “The Value of Science?” It is published in a little book of short pieces by him: The Pleasure of Finding Things Out, edited by Jeffrey Edwards (New York: Basic Books: 1999). There is much about the spirit of this man that I admire and much of it is about […]
Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote: Discovering Leadership In Groups
“Greatness in leadership, that is, human authenticity, is not only a matter for individuals. Quite to the contrary, it is best accomplished in groups and leads therefore to in-depth group growth and to team development. Group and individual growth are systemically interrelated. “People must share with each other their experiences of authentic behavior, their inner […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip: Boomer Leadership’s Tipping Point
Lloyd Raines
As Baby Boomers (born between 1946-1964) transition from marketplace leadership roles, they clear the way for new mental models and cultural shifts borne of Gen Xers (born between 1965-1981) and Millennials (born between 1982 and 2000). While “fair process” and “challenging the institutional powers-that-be” were revolutionary breakthroughs in the Boomer heyday—they now drag on the […]
Fresh Perspective
A Fresh Perspective: Integral Business and Integral Leadership Interviews with Fritzi Woods, CEO, and Wes Blair, COO, PrimeSource, with an Introduction to the Stagen Leadership Program by Brett Thomas
Russ Volckmann
EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION Increasingly, we are looking for material—articles, interviews—that will assist us all in learning about integral and developmental approaches to leadership that work. That is why you are seeing an increase in the number of articles and interviews by and with people who are actively engaged in bringing Integral Leadership to the worlds of […]
Dialogue: Integral Theory into Integral Action: Part 5
Mark Edwards and Russ Volckmann
In the last episode our conversation we reached a tentative acceptance of a more relational model of leadership within the multilevel contexts of individual, group and organizational life. Also, the question has been raised about the “space between”, a concept from Martin Buber that Edwards has applied in his integral theory building. Edwards has discussed […]
Feature Articles
Feature Article: Organization at the Leading Edge: Introducing Holacracy™ Evolving Organization
Brian Robertson
Holding the Question Six years ago, two colleagues and I launched Ternary Software to help other organizations bring software to market using highly effective “lean” processes. Although the business vision we pursued was common enough, we launched the company with an uncommon question. Our prior experience in modern organizations was profoundly unfulfilling and we had a deep […]
Feature Article: Talk About Altitude! From the Mile High City to the Emerald City Robb Smith in Seattle
Jacob Werre
On Thursday, April 26, 2007, SeattleIntegral, the largest Integral Salon in Seattle, hosted a special Ken Wilber Meetup with guest Robb Smith, recently named Chief Executive Officer of Integral Institute. As a special treat, we also had the pleasure of participating in a conference call with Ken Wilber (lasting almost an hour-and-a-half!). As many of […]
Feature Article: Holacracy™ in Action: Theory to Practice
Jessica Safran with Bob Huff
Imagine you have a voice in your organization and people listen to it. You feel you belong to something larger than yourself, yet in order to be part of this larger whole, you don’t have to give up who you are to enjoy the benefits of membership. Imagine you can take action, and even if […]
Feature Article: Branding: The Integral Leader’s Trojan Horse? Jordan Bruce MacLeod
Jordan MacLeod
  ‘Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind.’ – Walter Landor Business Week’s latest ranking of the world’s top 100 brands attests to the staggering value now being attributed to these rather intangible and nebulous assets. From the bottom of the list, where Levi’s (#100) weighs in at $2.7 […]
Feature Article: Mapping Our Decision Making
Gareth Powell
Throughout human history, people have made decisions on a daily basis. The decisions they make reflect both the information they have and the choices they perceive. At both personal and group levels, better information and more choices generally lead to better decisions. So the question becomes: how can we get better information and more choices? […]
Integral for the Masses
Integral For the Masses: Integral Leadership: Living Life at the Spear Tip of Evolution, An Interview with Robb Smith, CEO Integral Institute
Keith Bellamy
At the tender age of eight years old, Robb Smith had already started to build a portfolio of stocks and shares. Born in the 1970s and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area he was just doing what all the other kids were doing at the time. This was the time of the “Barbarians at […]
Notes from the Field
N otes from the Field: In the Slums of Delhi
Miriam Hadcocks
This is an unusual piece to be included in the Integral Leadership Review. But when I read it, I couldn’t resist sharing it with you. It is so easy to forget that leadership shows up in many places, not just the corporation or other organization. It shows up in communities of all types all over […]
Notes from the Field: Integral Leadership in Action 2007: Falling in Love Again
Michael McElhenie and Allison Conte
  Typically, one would reach into the heart of a group to find its purpose. What if the heart itself is its purpose? For Integral Leadership in Action (ILiA) 2007 attendees, the heart is the thread that connects us to each other and to our shared mission of creating a better world. In March, we […]
Notes from the Field: The Center for Human Emergence in Mexico
Roberto Bonilla and Karina Eichner
  It was an amazing experience to be able to see Dr. Don Beck during his trip to Mexico. In the beginning we weren’t sure what kind of an event the four precious days that we had with him would be. First, we had the idea to organize two events, one for a select group of people […]
Notes from the Field: Forum on Business Innovation for Sustainability
Bob Siegel
  The Society for Organizational Learning (SOL) held a Forum on Business Innovation for Sustainability in Atlanta at the end of March 2007. The event was presented by SOL’s Sustainability Consortium (SSC). The Sustainability Consortium was founded in 1999 by ten companies in response to the question, “How can we accelerate learning for Sustainability?” This […]
Notes from the Field The Integral Psychograph, A Personal Journey
Ewan Townhead
  The following article was written in response to a conference call in January 2007 concerning the Integral Psychograph with Integral Institute’s David Zeitler, and organised by Joanne Rubin of the Integral Psychology Affinity Group. While I have done my best to represent the material from the call when used, it does not necessarily represent […]
Leadership Emerging
Leadership Emerging
Russ Volckmann
The Quest for a General Theory of Leadership, George Goethals and Georgia Sorenson, eds. Northampton, MA, US A: Edward Elgar, 2006. This book represents a most robust look at the study of leadership while representing multiple disciplines in a “quest” to find agreement about leadership and theory. While the quest has not resulted in finding its prize, […]
Book Reviews
Book Review: The Central Liberal Truth: How Politics Can Change a Culture and Save It from Itself
Matthew Kalman
Lawrence E. Harrison. The Central Liberal Truth: How Politics Can Change a Culture and Save It from Itself. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006, 272 pages) This is a great read if you’re interested in the role culture can play in enabling—or slowing—human development, along with how leaders can work to promote progressive cultural changes in […]
Announcements – Call for Stories
Russ Volckmann
Life Lessons for Leaders is scheduled for publication in 2008 and is accepting submissions of true leadership stories to be included in the book. With a first printing of 500,000 copies, this book is part of the widely acclaimed Chicken Soup for the Soul series. The “Life Lessons” books are different from the typical Chicken Soup book in […]
Russ Volckmann
Don Beck and Doug Kruschke, Spiral Dynamics Integral: A Challenge to Leadership, Clearfire Media DVD, 2006.http://www.clearfiremedia.com In slightly more than two hours (longer if you check out all of the links and other material made available as you watch and listen to this program, Doug Kruschke facilitates Don Beck in laying out the story of Spiral Dynamics […]