March 2007
Table of Contents
Leading Comments
Leading Comments: Integral Leadership Review and You
Russ Volckmann
  Are you really paying serious attention to what this is all about? Maybe not, because I have not always been clear about that in my own mind and behavior, much less in my words to you. First, let me say that it is extremely gratifying that we have over 1675 subscribers in more than […]
Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote
“Leadership” is a concept we often resist. It seems immodest, even self-aggrandizing, to think of ourselves as leaders. But if it is true that we are made for community, then leadership is everyone’s vocation, and it can be an evasion to insist that it is not. When we live in the close-knit ecosystem called community, […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip: From an Adult-Developmental Perspective
Otto Laske
Interdevelopmental Institute (IDM), I understand “Coaching Tips” as highly generic suggestions thought to apply to all kinds of clients. From an adult-developmental perspective, such suggestions should be specific to different levels of social-emotional and cognitive maturity, measured by semi-structured interview (Laske, 2006). The notion is that generic coaching tips need to be customized to the […]
Fresh Perspective
Fresh Perspective: Creativity and Leadership: Sir Ken Robinson in Conversation with Russ Volckmann
Russ Volckmann
Sir Ken Robinson, PhD, is an internationally recognized leader in the development of creativity, innovation and human resources. He has worked with governments in Europe, Asia and the USA, with international agencies, Fortune 500 companies, not-for-profit corporations and some of the world’s leading cultural organizations. He is in wide demand as an inspirational speaker with a […]
Dialogue: Integral Theory into Integral Action: Part 4
Mark Edwards and Russ Volckmann
INTRODUCTION: This is the fourth in a series of email exchanges framed as a dialogue between Mark Edwards, an Australian PhD candidate who has written extensively about integral theory and a member of the Integral Leadership Council, and Russ Volckmann, editor and publisher of the Integral Leadership Review . Our goal is to clarify how integral theory and mapping […]
Feature Articles
Feature Article: Palestine Speaks in Colors: Unraveling the Deep Cultural Codes and Designing Integral Solutions.
Elza S. Maalouf
Using his ground breaking experience in South Africa and his practical knowledge in dealing with the different mindsets in cultures, Dr. Don Beck offered a fresh start to the Palestinians and they responded with an overwhelming enthusiasm on our third trip to the region. Many of our contacts told me that Dr. Beck’s work in […]
Feature Article: A Meta-Perspective on Leadership
Ernest L. “Ernie” Stech, Ph.D.
Why a Meta-Perspective? Any attempt at developing a comprehensive or general theory of leadership must deal with a wide variety of factors, contexts, variables, and conditions. Development of more limited theories should include an understanding of the place such theories take in a broader context. Further, efforts at developing and implementing research programs on leadership […]
Feature Article: Leadership and Worldview: What in the World is a Worldview?
Joanne Rubin
A Summary of “The Psychology of Worldviews” Mark Koltko-Rivera Review of General Psychology, 2004, 8(1), pp. 3-58 In our approaches to exploring the multi-faceted aspects of the subject of leadership, an important developmental concept is that of worldview. This paper seeks to introduce a cogent exploration of this important topic and recommend key questions related to […]
Feature Article: Marsilio Ficino: Magnus of the Renaissance, Shaper of Leaders
Ron Cacioppe
ABSTRACT This article summarizes the life of Marsilio Ficino, a philosopher, priest and scholar, and his profound influence on the Renaissance. The major events and achievements of Ficino’s work are described along with his physical characteristics, personality and life style. Marsilio Ficino translated the major works of Plato and other ancient philosophers and convinced the […]
Feature Article: Reframing Leadership for a Postmodern Age
Mitch McCrimmon
Leadership needs to be reframed for a digital, postmodern age. The world is losing its static and hierarchical character. Life is now more dynamic, chaotic; final authorities have vanished. Leadership used to be hierarchical, associated with the power to dominate a group. This is biologically primitive because it occurs throughout much of the higher animal […]
Featured Article: Integral Leadership Coaching: A Holistic Meta-Framework and Process
Lloyd Raines
Never before have coaches been faced with such a wide-open field of conversations directly relevant to the effectiveness of leaders and the stakeholders they serve. As the business world’s center of gravity moves from a traditional financial focus to one that includes environmental and social stewardship, leadership coaches now are able to scale curiosity and […]
Integral for the Masses
Integral For the Masses: Integral Leadership Steve Frazee on The Gulf Between Theory and Practice
Keith Bellamy
As a student of Integral Leadership can you imagine how it might feel to be told that you are to be the first Chief Executive of the most prestigious integral organization on the face of the planet? More than that, can you imagine what it might feel like to be told that you are going […]
Leadership Emerging
Leadership Emerging
Russ Volckmann
This section of Integral Leadership Review is provided to inform readers about current publications about leadership.— Russ Volckmann In this issue we take a look at a new book by Porras et al. and some recent articles in Harvard Business Review. Jerry Porras, Steward Emery and Mark Thompson, Success Built to Last: Creating a Life That Matters. Upper […]
Book Reviews
Book Review: Measuring Hidden Dimensions – The Art and Science of Fully Engaging Adults
Matthew Kalman
Otto Laske. Measuring Hidden Dimensions – The Art and Science of Fully Engaging Adults. Medford, M A:Interdevelomental Institute Press, 2006. This feels like a book of conside power, focus, honesty and splendour – and it’s also not for the faint-hearted. It’s tempting to say, simply, that you will want to buy this book if you have any wish […]
Russ Volckmann
International Leadership Association International Leadership Association’s Calendar of Leadership Dates and Events For an excellent source for leadership conferences Integral Leadership Review recommends: Promotions by publishers, developers and others providing products and services related to leadership. Adizes Institute The 29th International Adizes Convention July 1 to July 3 (closed session for qualified and certified associates) July […]
CODA: Complexity and Integral Theory
Russ Volckmann
Reflections on Reframing Complexity: Perspectives from the North and South, Fritjof Capra, Alicia Juarrero, Pedro Softolong and Jacco van Uden, eds. Mansfield, M A: ISCE Publishing, 2007. The relationship between integral theory and concepts and those found in complexity theory or other more recent applications of ideas from the quantum world is not readily apparent. A key concept from […]