March 2012
Table of Contents
Leading Comments
Leading Comments
Russ Volckmann
In the following recent announcement from the International Leadership Association, Barbara Kellerman is raising questions, many of which we have been trying to address in the pages of Integral Leadership Review for years now. Read the ad and then think with me about some of the key points she is making: The End of Leadership […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip
Renee Snow
Eco Leadership: The Practice of Deep Understanding in Action Renee Snow For those of you unfamiliar with the term, Eco Leadership, refers to the marriage of ecology and economy within leadership science. As it is applied here, ecology means the interrelationship among beings in a community and economy is the management of resources within a […]
Fresh Perspective
Mexico Revisited: Roberto Bonilla and Spiral Wizardry
Russ Volckmann
Russ Volckmann Russ: It has been all about seven months since we last talked. In the August issue of 2011 we had a conversation in which you were showing me how you were bringing Spiral Dynamics analysis in working both with business and in looking at the spread of the cartels in Mexico. So let’s […]
Journeys into the Integral North
Mark McCaslin
Putting Wisdom to Work in the World Mark McCaslin Inspiring Accountability in the Workplace I began my teaching career in 1985 as a shop teacher. To this day I remain grateful for the everyday usefulness of the lessons I was taught by so many fine artists and artisans.  The value of these early lessons came […]
Cracking the Master Code: The Search for a New Metaphor to Facilitate Human Emergence
Don Beck
“Spiral Dynamics Integral is one of he first integral psychologies now available and, as presented by Don Beck, I give it my highest recommendation. It has profound implications for business, politics, education, and medicine, and it will give you the tools to begin applying these revolutionary ideas in your own field immediately. Don’t miss it!”                                                            […]
Feature Articles
Conscious Capitalism: Leaders and Organizations with a World View
Marie Legault
Marie Legault Abstract This article focuses on the development of conscious and world-centric leaders and businesses and, ultimately, conscious capitalism. In order for leaders to transform society and organizational cultures, they must first develop their own capabilities. The global context of business now requires leaders to think, feel, and act at world-centric stages of development […]
Leadership: Lessons From History
Dorothy Danaher White
Dorothy Danaher White This article focuses on the issues faced by leaders in the past and how they relate to issues here in the present. The concentration will be leadership, administration, and governance. Through an examination of leadership transitions, initiatives, and issues, the learner hopes to develop a greater appreciation of the complexity of various […]
Leadership and The Body
Mark Walsh
Mark Walsh Introduction A discussion of leadership must include the body to be integral – we are embodied creatures and this is a core part of our being. Traditional theories of leadership have, however, ignored embodiment, coming from what is a hyper-rational cognitively biased world-view this is not, perhaps, surprising. Encouragingly though, the topic of […]
The Human Art of Leading—Part 2
Mark McCaslin and Renee Snow
[Part 1 of this article is: McCaslin, M. & Snow, R. (October, 2010). The human art of leading: A foreshadow to the potentiating movement of leadership studies. Integral Leadership Review, X (5). – Editor] Practicing the Potentiating Art of Deep Understanding Mark McCaslin and Renee Snow Opening Interlude It is difficult to fully speak […]
Transforming Economics: Caring Economy Leadership
Riane Eisler
Riane Eisler All around us are signs that the old economic approaches are not adaptive. Gaps between haves and have-nots are again widening globally, poverty, unemployment, and debt are mounting even in the more affluent regions of our world, and no solutions are in sight for our rapidly accelerating environmental problems. Yet the current economic […]
Integral Design Thinking, Guessing the Future
Lisa Norton
Lisa Norton Design is focused on solving problems, and as such requires intervention, not just understanding. Whereas scientists describe how the world is, designers suggest how it might be. It follows that design is a central activity for the military profession whenever it allocates resources to solve problems, which is to say design is always […]
The Relationship between Spiral Dynamics and the Gell-Mann Curve
Raghu Ananthanarayanan
Raghu Ananthanarayanan I had a very enlightening conversation with scientist Dr. S. Naranan who works in the area of cosmic energy and particle physics, but also bends his considerable intellect towards linguistics. He is part of a duo – Balasubramanian and Naranan, highly respected researchers who have published several papers on linguistics. The two papers […]
Notes from the Field
Core Integral’s Advanced Integral Course: A Review
Michael Kruze Craig
Michael Kruse Craig Editor’s Note: Since the author took the advanced integral course, two sets of CDs have been released by Core Integral ( as they continue to offer these learning opportunities both through online courses and sets of CDs. These are featured in the images on either side of this note.  A third course […]
And then what…? The Aftermath of the 2009 Iceland National Assembly
Bjarni S. Jonsson
Bjarni S. Jonsson In November 2009, Iceland residents were invited to engage in a dialogue on issues facing the nation following a total collapse of its financial system and resulting in a severe national crisis. The challenge was that of a general visioning for the society and to establish a desirable evolutionary pathway. The event […]
Sacred Economics Author Charles Eisenstein with Integral New York
Gregg Hill
Gregg Hill One Spirit Learning Alliance on February 3, 2012 In deeply contemplating the ever increasing, ever more complicated and intertwining crises facing the world today, one can find a common thread: the financial system and the human species’ relationship to money.  No matter what the problem, if one looks deeply to the root cause, […]
The Ecology of Occupy
Gary Hawke
Gary Hawke Once the London Occupy Movement had set up camp outside St Paul’s Cathedral there was a decision made to work towards occupying the mind through community education. To achieve this aim the movement occupied an abandoned Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) building and created a community space known as The Bank of Ideas. […]
Leadership Emerging
Leadership Emerging
Russ Volckmann
The Language of Leadership: A Departure I am taking something of a departure from my normal practice of providing highlights of a series of books related to the study and practice of leadership. I have found one chapter in one book to be so meaningful to me that I want to share it with you […]
Book Reviews
Book Review: Gary Stamper, Awakening the New Masculine: The Path of the Integral Warrior
William Harryman
Is the Mythopoetic Men’s Movement Ready for the Leap to Integral? A Review of Awakening the New Masculine: The Path of the Integral Warrior, by Gary Stamper, Ph.D. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2012. William Harryman When I see a new book coming out from someone involved with the integral movement (Stamper co-founded and led the […]
Book Review: A New Economics of Cultural Cross-Fertilization
Christian Arnsperger
A Review Essay on Ronnie Lessem’s and Alexander Schieffer’s Integral Economics (Gower, 2010) Christian Arnsperger The discipline of economics has fallen into a deep crisis, just as humanity is scrambling for a new – and, for the first time perhaps, completely global – worldview that will allow it to address the immense challenges of economic […]
Book Review: Misleadership
Paul Roscorla
Paul Roscorla John Rayment and Jonathan Smith: Misleadership: Prevalence, Causes & Consequences.  Farnham, Surrey, UK: Gower, 2011. This book has an intriguing title and therefore considerable potential to be thought provoking.  There is a good idea here that the authors, who are business academics and business consultants, have been commissioned to explore.  Whether or not […]
Russ Volckmann
Ken Wilber, Stuart Brand and the Engineering of the Future with a Call to Action On the Integral Life website there is the “Loft Series,” a set of questions and answers between Ken and some individuals who have gone through the Core Integral program basic course. Two of these questions drew my attention: Q2: How […]