November 2007
Table of Contents
Leadership Cartoon
Leadership Cartoon: Bill Bates
Bill Bates
California Newspaper Publishers Award winner and two-time Pulitzer Prize Nominee Bill Bates produces weekly cartoons for the Carmel Pine Cone and political cartoons for the Monterey County Herald. Five-thousnd of his pen and ink drawings from 133 countries have been published in 28 Cruise Sketchbooks that include 14 Around The World Cruises. His latest book of cartoons, Bates On […]
Leading Comments
Leading Comments
Russ Volckmann
As a member of the International Leadership Association, one of the benefits is free online access to Leadership Excellence, a publication that seems to be endorsed by Warren Bennis. Recently, I downloaded the current issue and shared it with the Integral Leadership Review’s Management Review Board. I appended the question, “Competition?” One of the responses I got included […]
Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote
“The old leadership model was control—the from the top of the pyramid down concept. The new model is a participatory model, which is funneling over to teams and the spirit of synergetic thinking. The leaders of today are living in a time of constant change and they cannot effectively lead companies or countries through these […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip: Organizational Challenges in Leadership –Defensive Routines
Micki McMillan
“When you stand up for what you believe is right, you must have the courage to acknowledge your actions and face the consequences.”~ Mahatma K. Gandhi As a 21st Century Leader, you encounter defensive routines in organizational settings every minute of every day. The trick is not to try to eliminate them, rather to discover […]
Fresh Perspective
Fresh Perspectives: The Leadership Challenge and an Integral Lens: An Interview with Jim Kouzes
Russ Volckmann
Q: Jim, it’s been a while since we talked. One of the things I’ve noticed in your work with Barry Posner is since you published The Leadership Challenge you’ve been creating some additional material that seems to be both building upon your existing works and a shift in perspective. This has been in two books called Encouraging the […]
Dialogue: Integral Theory into Integral Action: Part 7
Mark Edwards and Russ Volckmann
In the Part 6 of this dialogue, Mark laid out an elegant way of mapping and thinking about 1st 2nd and 3rd person at micro, meso and macro levels, as well as the mediating factors in the relationships among these. My discovery is that the track we are on is leading to the necessity for an Integral […]
Feature Articles
Feature Article: Leadership and the Interpenetration of Structure and State Stages: A Subjective Exposé
Terri O'Fallon
So much of my own experience of myself is that of intellectual epiphany, not necessarily always correct, but often self-satisfying. I feel like a 10-year-old, or a teenager – certain of my own absolute truth and intelligence with an ego-centered disregard for the wisdom of others in the face of my own. (Participant in the […]
Feature Article: A Meditation On Leadership Thinking Surprising Places to Look For—and At—Leadership— And by the by, a case for Integral Leadership Theory
Barbara Mossberg
Is Sex Necessary?—James Thurber Dedicated to the James McGregor Burns Academy of Leadership The following essay considers useful wisdom and knowledge for the practice, development, and study of leadership. Based on a conviction of the relevance of emergent science and classical humanities as well as ancient teachings, this meditation appreciates Integral Leadership theory as a […]
Feature Article: Leadership as Opening Space
Jonathan Reams
Introduction I have always been interested in the intangible, even ineffable aspects of life. This interest has guided a number of areas in my life, including my inquiries into leadership. I have sought to understand leadership from a view that focuses on the sense of space that some people are able to create and maintain, […]
Integral for the Masses
Integral for the Masses: The Credit Crisis Through an Integral Lens — and When is the Most Appropriate Time to Evaluate a Leader’s Achievements?
Keith Bellamy
New York: The most fascinating show in town this summer has, in my opinion, played out not on Broadway but down at the tip of Manhattan on Wall Street. From the same people who brought you such previous delights as “The 1929 Crash,” “Melt Down in South America,” and “Bursting the dot-com bubble,” amongst many […]
Notes from the Field
Notes from the Field: Tryggare och Mänskligare Göteborg: An Interview with Borghild Håkansson
Jonathan Reams
Tryggare och Mänskligare Göteborg—A safer and more humane Göteborg—is an innovative approach to urban crime prevention and safety promotion. The authorities in the city of Göteborg established a council for this project in 2001, designed to govern and support the activities of the secretariat, an office of seven staff members with different types of expertise. […]
Notes from the Field: History of Radical Organisational Design Notes From London Integral Circle Salon Meeting 3rd Oct 07 Presentation of Research Material And Participants’ Comments
John Oliver Original Introduction: **A History of Radical Organisations – through the lenses of the AQAL model** “The session’s goal is to introduce Organisational Design as a specific discipline for looking at the structures that define our working lives. Ken Wilber’s’All Quadrants, All Levels’ map, including the dynamics of social holons, will provide the structure of […]
Notes from the Field: Human Emergence Confab The Netherlands – 28-30 September 2007
Helen Titchen Beeth
Hosted by the Dutch chapter of the Center for Human Emergence (CHE), organised by Peter Merry, Anita Floris and Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, with participants from the Netherlands, Belgium, Iceland, Israel, the UK, USA, and Switzerland. We were sorry that our spiritual father, Don Beck, was prevented from attending by a vicious bout of flu. But we […]
Notes from the Field: Changing Global Values in the 21st Century
Alan Tonkin
In looking forward into the 21st Century there is no doubt that changing values on issues such as the environment and global warming, the issue of providing clean energy and global terrorism are providing very different responses around the globe. In the developed OECD countries there is a rapidly emerging awareness of the urgency to […]
Notes from the Field: Democracy for Africa: A Fabulous Dream or an Attainable Reality?
Yene Assegid
In September 2007, something amazing took place in Sierra Leone. What was this amazing thing? The elections! It was amazing to witness communities throughout the nation express their wishes through the democratic process. People chose to act on their future through votes as opposed to acting with the usual chaos which African nations have been […]
Leadership Emerging
Leadership Emerging
Russ Volckmann
Martin M. Chemers, An Integrative Theory of Leadership, Mahway, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1997. Stimulated by the author’s chapter in Richard Couto’s edited volume, Reflections on Leadership, I have gone back to his book published in the late 1990s to see what we might learn about his approach to integrating theories of leadership. To begin […]
Book Reviews
Book Review: Theory U: Leading From the Future as it Emerges—The Social Technology of Presencing
Matthew Kalman
C. Otto Scharmer, Theory U: Leading From the Future as it Emerges—The Social Technology of Presencing. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Society for Organizational Learning, 2007, xxiv, 533 pages. Scharmer’s book on the ‘U process’ comes across as part theory, part manifesto for social change and part personal odyssey. And the new ‘social leadership technology’ he offers also comes […]
Russ Volckmann
January 2008 Issue of Integral Leadership Review Integral Leadership in the Netherlands This issue will feature and almost completely Dutch issue with articles and interviews all focused on integral and developmental approaches and perspectives from the Netherlands. Alain Volz, Co-director of the Center for Human Emergence in the Netherlands, is our guest editor. Stay tuned!!! […]
Russ Volckmann
Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom, The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations. New York: The Penguin Group, 2007. Like the brain where memories are not stored in hierarchies but in networks, distributed structures, human systems sometimes are formed without hierarchy, where no one is in charge. “You’d think that there would […]