October 2009
Table of Contents
Leadership Cartoon
Leadership Cartoon: Mark Hill
Mark Hill
Mark Hill l am a cartoonist whose cartoons have been published in over 100 magazines and newspapers, including Time Magazine, The Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times. My specialty is cartoons and humorous illustration for advertising, business and publishing. Fortune 500 clients with national advertising campaigns are among my repeat customers…as well as start-up […]
Leading Comments
Leading Comments: This Issue and More!
Russ Volckmann
It seems to me that every issue of Integral Leadership Review is special. Okay! I am biased! And this issue has its special qualities. For one, notice that we do not have a column by any of our standard columnists. I know you will miss Keith Bellamy and Alan Tonkin, as do I, but alas we have an issue […]
Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote: Mary Parker Follett
Russ Volckmann
The skillful leader…does not rely on personal force; he controls his group not by dominating but by expressing it. He stimulates what is best inus; he univies and concentrates what we feel only gropingly and scatteringly, but he never gets away from the current of which we and he are both an integral part. He […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip: Responsibility, Accountability and Leadership
Russ Volckmann
Two concepts that have been central to the conversation about management, at least since the work of Chester Barnard, are Responsibility and Accountability. But let’s consider these terms, particularly in the context of leadership coaching. Here is one account of Peter Drucker’s treatment of these concepts: On our return to the classroom Peter began to […]
Fresh Perspective
Fresh Perspectives: Emotional Intelligence and Leadership An Inteview with Annie McKee
Russ Volckmann
Annie McKee earned a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University. She has co-authored two groundbreaking books on leadership, Primal Leadership (with Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis) and Resonant Leadership (also with Boyatzis) Her book, Becoming a Resonant Leader, was published in March, 2008. She serves as Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School […]
Dialogue: Integral Leadership, Wendelin Kupers and Russ Volckmann, Part II
Wendelin Kupers and Russ Volckmann
In Part I we explored the situation of how integral is being accepted into the world of academia, some of the factors that deter such acceptance, a bit about Wendelin’s current work, the role of pragmatism and the challenges to integration in the workplace. Thus, integral approaches have a very high potential in leader development. […]
Feature Articles
Feature Article: The Power of One: How Influential Business Executives Transform and Lead into a Sustainable Future
Mariana Bozesan
mariana Bozesan Abstract: This paper highlights the major collective and individual threats faced by humanity today and argues that money alone will not provide the desired relief. Instead, it contends that only sustainable solutions that consider all life perspectives and are rooted in higher levels of consciousness can succeed. After introducing Wilber’s Integral Framework as a […]
Feature Article: Identifying within-level differences in leadership decision making
Theo Dawson and Katie Heikkinen
Theo Dawson and Katie Heikkinen INTRODUCTION In a previous article (Stein and Heikkinen, 2008), we described how the Lectical Assessment System (LAS) and other aspects of developmental maieutics (Dawson & Stein, 2008) relate to the integral model. Here, we describe how the LAS can be used to reveal within-level differences between persons—differences that have important […]
Featured Article: What Sets True Leaders Apart?
Yene Assegid
Yene Assegid Vision is part of the attributes we associate with great leaders and one of the key faculties of great leadership. It refers to the leader’s capacity to see ahead and envision what the future could potentially hold or what opportunities lay ahead and defines the reality where the leader wants to take her […]
Feature Article: Emerging Patterns in the Middle East – The Thirty Year Itch for Lebanon and Iran
Elza S. Maalouf
Elza S. Maalouf My first year of Law School in Lebanon, was a year to remember. I recall the heated political discussions I had with Shia students and professors alike over many long hours ranging from discussing the merits of Marxism to laws on women’s rights in Lebanon and the role religion plays in law. […]
Feature Article: Change and Crisis in Dialectical Thinking: On the Need to Think Again When Getting Involved with Change
Otto Laske
Otto Laske Abstract I explore the concepts of “change” and “crisis” in order to put issues important in the current recession into perspective from the point of view of Western dialecticism, including what we know empirically about adult cognitive development. Specifically, I detail the diffraction of dialectic into three moments and show that they need […]
Feature Article: The Cybernetics of Crisis and the Challenge of Sustainability
Michael Ben-Eli
An audio (mp3) interview with this author is available by sending an email to russ@integralleadershipreview.com) Background – A Personal Note The “Crisis” essay which follows, is the text version of an invited presentation delivered, in Switzerland, earlier this spring, at a meeting called to discuss the world financial crisis. The venue, the Cwarel Isaf Forum at […]
Feature Article: Transdisciplinarity As An Interactive Method: A Critical Reflection On The Three Pillars Of Transdisciplinarity
Predrag Cicovacki
We are witnessing, I am convinced, the first stages of a new and extremely promising revolution. This movement promotes a new approach to human knowledge—ranging from and including natural sciences, social sciences and humanities—and, indeed, a new approach to humanity in general. The temporary name of this revolution is “transdisciplinarity,” and one of its most […]
Feature Article: It’s Time for the Bottom Line to Get a Little Bigger
Kristoffer Nelson
Kristoffer E. Nelson As I’ve discussed recently in my blog Integral Business, the future of sustainable, profitable and socially responsible companies rest well beyond what is now commonly referred to as “triple bottom line” organizations. Indeed an evolutionary step, achieving a triple bottom line status is a great challenge that inspires great merit—it’s a huge accomplishment. […]
Notes from the Field
Notes from the Field: Integral Leadership in Action
Gary Hawke
Gary Hawke The 4th Integral Leadership in Action (ILiA) conference took place from October 15th – 18th at The Crossings in Austin, Texas. Keeping connected to the inquiry of “What is Integral Leadership?” ILiA took the bold step to focus this conference on consciously leading and living through turbulence and transformation. The Crossings was a […]
Notes from the Field: A Gathering of Developmentalists
Terri O'Fallon
Terri O’Fallon The day was a bit misty, but despite the rain sixteen interested developmentalists from around the world rang the doorbell next to Bill Torbert’s front door on October 3rd, 2009 to engage in a dialogue on developmental theory and its measurement. This meeting was sparked by an article in the Integral Review, “Models, Metrics, […]
Notes from the Field: Notes from the Field Integral Leadership for Sustainability
Erik Möller
Emil Möller “Integral Leadership for Sustainability” held 4-9 Aug 2009 in the Netherlands. From the ExperienceIntegral website: Are you awake? Are you on a mission? Do you have a big ego and an even bigger heart? Are you an emerging leader? You are an emerging leader if you are striving to offer your best to […]
Notes from the Field: Interview for CEEMAN (Central and East European Management Association) with Ichak Kalderon Adizes
[This is the first time that Integral Leadership Review has published something that had previously been published elsewhere, in this case as a blog. Ichak Adizes is the author of Corporate Life Cycles. This seems to be a useful and timely set of reflections. Note that at the end of the interview there is a free offer […]
Notes from the Field: Edition and Publication of “INTEGRAL EVOLUTION” Personal and collective leadership in a dream’s fulfilment
Raquel Torrent
Raquel Torrent Integral Evolution is the title of a new book that has been published in Spanish by Kairós in October 2009 in Spain, Mexico, Argentina and Chile. It will be presented at the VII Integral Conference in Barcelona where Joanna Hunt, and Laura Divine will be lecturing about their well known, useful and well […]
Leadership Emerging
Leadership Emerging
Russ Volckmann
His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Laurens Van Den Muyzenberg. The Leader’s Way. Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2009. How could you not want to read a collaboration between the Dalai Lama and a Dutch business consultant? The intrigue is even stronger when we discover that this book was in the making for nine years (1991-2000)—years of […]
Book Reviews
Book Review: High-Altitude Leadership: What the World’s Most Forbidding Peaks Teach Us About Success
Regina Schulte-Ladbeck
Leadership Lessons from the Death Zone A Review of Chris Warner and Don Schmincke’s High-Altitude Leadership: What the World’s Most Forbidding Peaks Teach Us About Success, Jossey-Bass, 2008 Regina Schulte-Ladbeck Climbing mountains is not a sport; it is a lifestyle. I am convinced of this because I am a rock climber myself. The peaks I […]
Russ Volckmann
Spirals over the Rockies – Register Now! Boulder, Colorado, USA November 9-15, 2009 SPIRAL DYNAMICS IN ACTION Dr. Don Beck and The Spiral Dynamics Group warmly invite you to participate in a week of dynamic and engaging learning in beautiful Boulder. We offer these certification courses: * SDi Level One Foundations: November 9-11, 2009 * […]
CODA: Attending to the Collective
Russ Volckmann
Much of the attention on integral development has the focus on individual development. We have programs and practices for attending to cognitive and emotional development, as well as attending to physical development (through variations on the martial arts and other physical activity), and meeting aspirations for spiritual development, albeit still a question of whether that […]