September 2005
Table of Contents
Leading Comments
Leading Comments
Russ Volckmann
We are in the fifth year of publication of the Integral Leadership Review. It is increasingly taking the form that I hoped, although I am sure there is still much that can be done to make this a useful document that attracts a wider audience in the fields of consulting, training and coaching, as well as […]
Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote
“Leadership is a practice not a position. It is a practice of building influence relationships to create a movement for transforming change. My issue with most of the leadership stuff is that the followers—more appropriate in the idea economy or society to say collaborators or partners—are not considered in the leadership dynamic. This is counter-intuitive […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip
Russ Volckmann
If the executive you are working with has as a developmental objective to be able to recognize and engage effectively with others who may have different world views than her own, you can use a scenario approach. You can support them in recognizing other world views by learning about their own and then reframing perspective […]
Fresh Perspective
A Fresh Perspective: Partnership An Interview with Riane Eisler
Russ Volckmann
Introduction: You can read about Riane Eisler in the interview by clicking here. However, before you do so you may find the following material to be interesting and in harmony with much of what Riane talked about in our conversation. I spoke with Michael McElhenie, one of the leaders of the “Leadership for Results” United […]
Feature Articles
Feature Article: Integral Scenarios for Leadership Development: Scenarios and Leadership Development — 4th in a Series
Russ Volckmann
So what is all of this about scenarios? For those who are tracking this series of articles the question of what has this got to do with Integral Leadership must have occurred by now. Well, I think it has a lot to do with how the individual develops and prepares for leadership roles. This involves […]
Feature Article: Integral Africa: How far can integral go? …transforming a continent?
Susan Cannon and Yene Assegid
At this critical evolutionary moment in Earth’s history, as the integral wave begins to coalesce, “boots on the ground” global initiatives for Integral Leadership development thankfully are emerging. One such initiative is Integral Africa, at this very moment self-organizing against the fearsome odds for which Africa is renowned. Yene Assegid, a native of Ethiopia and […]
Feature Article: An Integral Response to HIV/AIDS: The “Leadership for Results” Story
Michael McElhenie
Background The need for leadership development to enhance an effective, coordinated response to HIV/AIDS and related issues has been gathering momentum over the past several years in many developing nations. Throughout the world, HIV/AIDS has rapidly increased the complexity of living within and managing any system, anywhere. The capacity and leadership required to respond to […]
Integral for the Masses
Integral for the Masses!: i-WET!
Keith Bellamy
Saturday, August 6th 2005 The thunderstorms that we had been promised overnight had failed to materialise, although the air most definitely felt a little cooler and less humid than we had been experiencing for the past few days. I then reminded myself that it was 7:30 in the morning as I was climbing into the […]
Book Reviews
Russ Volckmann
Journal of Organizational Change Management: Integrally informed approaches to organizational transformation, Nancy E. Landrum and Jim Paul, eds., 18, 3, 2005. There is no way I can do justice to the material in this publication. Therefore, I will highlight a couple of interesting pieces related to Integral Leadership. Here is the articles included in this […]
CODA: Colin Morley and Ken Wilber
Russ Volckmann
On July 7th Colin Morley, a marketer, who used his experience to make a real difference in the world and who touched lives all over the world-a leader, in other words-with his involvement in the Be the Change movement and the London SDi group, was killed by a terrorist bomb while riding a tube on […]
Letters to Integral Leadership Review
Greetings Russ, …I was a student of Joe Rost (1995-97) at USD. Joe just forwarded to me a link to your interview with him…it was great! Congrats!… I also note in your journal, you had Denny Roberts write a nice note about Rost’s influence at the University of Miami-Ohio. I wanted you to know that my […]