Tag Archives: Edgar Morin

France—The Integral Year in Review

Notes from the Field / January 2013

Brian Van der Horst
Paris  Bureau Chief

One of the most well-attended integral studies meetings in Paris this year was the “1st International Forum on the Evolution of Consciousness.” Organized by Eric Allodi and a team from Andrew Cohen’s group, EnlightenNext  France. Around 700 participants gathered to hear a combination of European and American limelights such as Steve McIntosh, Andrew  Cohen, Ervin Laszlo, and Edgar Morin from a variety of integral perspectives.

Patrice van Ersel, …

Transdisciplinary Reflections

Column / June 2012

 A Personal Introduction

Alfonso Montuori

The networked society, with the amazing power of new technology, gives us access to more information than ever before. The problem now is not access to information. It’s how to organize that information, turn it into knowledge, and use that knowledge wisely. This is the challenge of Transdisciplinarity.

I want to begin by giving some personal history, the roots of my quest for Transdisciplinarity. In the process I want to make …

The New “Little Red Book”

Book Reviews / June 2012

Russ Volckmann

Stephane Hessel and Edgar Morin.s The Path of Hope, foreword by Jeff Madrick. New York: Other Press, 2012.

It is an election year in Algeria, Egypt, France, Iran, Italy, the US, Israel, Russia, and elsewhere. Do you think that is a reason for so much interest in integral circles in politics and action? Well, for sure the politics thing. But what about action? We are being called to occupy, to learn to lead, …

Book Review: La Voie. Pour l’avenir de l’humanité

Book Reviews / March 2011

This Way, Please!
Review of Edgar Morin’s, La Voie. Pour l’avenir de l’humanité

Michel Nguyen The


In his last book and essay La Voie (The Way, January 2011), Edgar Morin shows us the way, for the future of humanity (as suggested by the subtitle).  He makes it clear that he is talking about the Way with a capital letter, as in French the words in titles do not have to be capitalized this …