Tag Archives: integral theory

06/29 – Spectrum of Leadership Gifts – A Personal Perspective

June 2019 / Notes from the Field

Ryan Nakade & Devon Almond

The ways of the world evolve as we evolve. Our lenses of life shift as we shift. Each way of the world has its place, its value, and its limitations. Each way of the world also offers its leadership gifts. While leadership, itself, is as developmentally diverse as our inner and outer worlds, for the purpose of this article, we draw on conventional leadership scholars, like Jim Clawson (2008) and Warren …

11/30 – Prolegomena to Art’s Transdisciplinarity

November 2018 / Feature Articles

Michael Schwartz

The Project

This paper is prolegomena to art’s transdisciplinarity, a project ontologically motivated through inquiry into the transcendental conditions of art. It opens with the question: “what does the socio-cultural world need to be like for art to have emerged and endured as a human activity and product?” A answer to this question, as retrodictive explanation (proper to critical realist social theory[1]), is that art emerges as response to the tetra-arising matrix of certain …

11/30 – Development: Emerging Worldviews and Systems Change Volume 1 and 2

November 2018 / Book Reviews

Innovative Development: Emerging Worldviews and Systems Change (Integral Publishers, 2015) is a useful volume (edited by late Tom Christensen—you did a very good job here, Tom, and I wish you a blissful journey in the afterlife, whatever and however it is in actuality) that contains papers on Spiral Dynamics (SD) and the Gravesian theory as applied to the societal dimension. The book is not an introduction into the general topic of SD but can be a …

11/30 – Hierarchy of Anarchy: Holarchical Structures and 3D Management

November 2018 / Feature Articles


Getting rid of formal bosses does not mean hierarchy disappears. That is a common misunderstanding in this new tendency towards boss-less and flat organizations. In this paper we resort to integral theory and its application to business, 3D Management, to explain how hierarchy is a natural and desirable condition fully compatible with self-management.

The Problem with Hierarchy

The magenta level of development invented hierarchy based on the authority of the elders. Red established the hierarchy …

11/30 – Transformations on the Path to Really Teal & Turquoise Organizations

Feature Articles / August-November 2016

Eugene Pustoshkin

The idea of “teal organizations” described in Frederick Laloux’s book Reinventing Organizations is gaining popularity today both globally and in Russia.

Hundreds of entrepreneurs and business leaders in various companies—from IT to banks—are seeking new forms of self-organizing. They’re tired of the limitations that are inherent in classical hierarchical subdivisions, their low efficiency and effectiveness and incapacity to flexibly adapt to the VUCA world (that is, our world now characterized by volatility, uncertainty, change, …

09/17 – The 2013 Integral Theory Conference: Connecting The Integral Kosmopolitan

Notes from the Field / August-November 2013

Eric Reynolds


Integral Theory, as I understand it, is a developmental framework for integrating all kinds of knowledge. It is a transdisciplinary space, a sort of memetic scaffolding where the complex, emergent reality that IS can be mapped, navigated, and ultimately consciously co-created by interested parties coming from a multitude of different perspectives. In other words, Integral Theory as proposed by Ken Wilber is not just a theory, but also an integration of living perspectives, …

The AQAL Cube for Dummies

Feature Articles / June 2013

Lexi Neale

Author’s Note: The above title is not intended to be demeaning, dear Reader, but more of an inside joke between Russ and I. Russ has twice approached me about an AQAL Cube article, and has twice shied away from what I sent him. His complaint? Too complex! So I have finally relented and taken his observation to heart. I sincerely hope that the following extension of Ken Wilber’s AQAL Square model is at least

An Integral Look at a Conference in Transformative Learning

Notes from the Field / January 2013

Eric Reynolds

The 10th International Conference on Transformative Learning entitled A Future for Earth: Re-imagining Learning for a Transforming World was held on November 1st thru 4th in San Francisco, California. There were over 150 presenters teaching a smorgasbord of daily transformative offerings. The majority of the presenters were also participants in the conference, making for a diverse and committed learning community of scholars and practitioners from around the globe.

The Conference Program …

Emerging Integral Thinking South of the Border

Notes from the Field / October 2012

Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

I’m a “bird” of several worlds. I was born in Perú and studied many years in the U.S. Now, I’m spending some time again in Perú and recently found that the outstanding and publicly involved French philosopher of complexity Edgar Morin recently came here twice and inspired some local intellectuals to create a sui generis socio-political-cultural movement. This was well received because something had already been gestating locally and regionally.

In Perú Edgar …

Inca Wisdom and Integral Theory

Learner Papers / October 2012

Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

Part One: Inca Quadrants Similar to Those of Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory


The four dimensions that combine to form the quadrants in Integral Theory are the Individual, Plural, Interior and Exterior. These quadrants are similar to the main dimensions defining the Quechua-Andean quadrants. Like Integral Theory, these dimensions also complement each other vertically and horizontally. This is to be expected as external elements symmetrically placed above, below and on both sides naturally …