Tag Archives: religion

Religions and Leadership

Feature Articles / January 2013

Pedro Barrajon, L.C.

The role that religions play has been acknowledged recently in the fields of culture, politics, economics and the different domains of social life. In the Marxist doctrine, following the severe critic that Feuerbach made in his book The Essence of Christianity, religion was considered as the opium of the people or as Feuerbach said œthe vampire of humankind” as religions sucked the blood that the people needed to realize their own  self-realization.…

The God Problem by Howard Bloom

Book Reviews / October 2012

Howard Bloom. The God Problem: How a Godless Cosmos Creates. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, 2012.

Call me old or cantankerous or both if you really must, but there are very few books that I get excited about these days. Gone are the days when I scoured the internet looking for new books that I have to have on the day that they are published and read and devour their content in days if …