Author Archives: Bruce Gibb

5/12 – Jeremy Rifkin. The Zero Marginal Cost Society

Book Reviews / April- June 2014

Jeremy Rifkin. The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2014.

Bruce Gibb


My intention in this review is to show relevance of the book to Spiral Dynamics Integral. In summary, Rifkin uses a similar conceptual framework and his analysis proceeds from a Yellow, Stage 7 (S:7) stance. This is revealed in his creation of a vision of the future, his use of an …

Jonathan Haidt, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion

Book Reviews / June 2012

Righteous MindHaidt, Jonathan, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion. (New York: Pantheon), 2012.

Bruce L. Gibb

The Righteous Mind is clear, accessible, and interesting. Haidt breaks the “third wall” and relates his own personal journey of developing awareness and understanding. This journey is an engaging way to do the expected academic “literature review.” I also prefer it to the approach used by David Brooks in The Social Animal who threads scientific …

Book Review: Naturally Selected: The Evolutionary Science of Leadership

Book Reviews / March 2011

Naturally Selected: The Evolutionary Science of Leadership
by Mark van Vugt and Anjana Ahuja

(New York: HarperCollins), 2011.

Bruce Gibb

The authors purport to present a “brand new theory of leadership, grounded in evolutionary science” which they dub the “Evolutionary Theory of Leadership” or ELT. They accept what they call the textbook definition of a leader: “A leader is someone able to exert social influence on others to accomplish a common goal.”

In general Naturally Selected:

Book Review

Book Reviews / June 2010

Book Review
The Empathic Civilization by Jeremy Rifkin
Bruce L. Gibb

rifkin coverJeremy Rifkin. The Empathic Civilization. New York: Penguin, 2009.

If you are a spiralcrat, you are going to love Jeremy Rifkin’s book, a wonderful compilation of historical, psychological, and sociological stories chronicling the human journey through the vMemes of the Spiral.

One might conclude that Rifkin’s COG is at green because the values he espouses and the demons he denounces are typically those of …