Author Archives: Bjarni S. Jonsson

08/29 – Social Tectonic Plates Model: A Concept Framework for holistic diagnosis of social dynamics and evolution based on the collective wisdom derived from the Iceland National Assembly 

August 2018 / Feature Articles

Bjarni S. Jonsson

Collective Wisdom

The Iceland National Assembly Social Experiment

Following the financial crisis, the Icelandic nation was in a state of shock, anger and despair. While it was a difficult period, it proved to be a very fertile ground to organize a dialogue event involving a large number of people to discuss honestly and sincerely the future of the Nation. The event, which was held in November 2009, involved about 1200 individuals chosen randomly …

And then what…? The Aftermath of the 2009 Iceland National Assembly

Notes from the Field / March 2012

Bjarni S. Jonsson

In November 2009, Iceland residents were invited to engage in a dialogue on issues facing the nation following a total collapse of its financial system and resulting in a severe national crisis. The challenge was that of a general visioning for the society and to establish a desirable evolutionary pathway. The event was organized by a grassroots organization that called itself The Anthill. Public decision makers were wary of the idea and didn’t …

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field / January 2010

Iceland National Assembly
by Bjarni S. Jonsson

A Short History from a Personal Perspective

jonssonEvery member of the organizing group, of the National Assembly, called the Anthill, has their own story to tell prior to the actual foundation of the group, since they had all been working one way or another towards some sort of a dialogue on a national scale. Here is my story of the background for the formation of the Anthill which then …