Author Archives: Eric Reynolds

4/14/21 — Transdisciplinary Leaders, Leading and Leadership Towards Planetary, Developmental and Regenerative Communities, Cultures and Civilizations


Towards a Butterfly Civilization

The citizens of planet Earth have reached a choice point, whether they know it or not. Human activity and technology have fostered in a new epoch known as the Anthropocene. Humans, through their ingenuity and their ignorance, have become a literal force of nature. To name but a few of the planetwide changes homo-sapiens have wrought; we have altered the climate, changed sea levels and the flow of the oceans, drastically …

12/21 — Towards a Planetary, Deliberately Developmental, Regenerative Culture: The Butterfly Civilization

December 2020 / Coda

Eric Reynolds

Eric Reynolds

I came across a short 2017 article from the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian. It relates how the winter solstice marks the beginning of a season of storytelling and ceremony. I would like to honor that, with a bit of storytelling of my own, to be offered as a reflection of what has come, where we are, and what might come to be.

2020 has been a long year, …

12/21 – Nurturing our Humanity with Riane Eisler

December 2019 / Fresh Perspective

Eric Reynolds

Eric Reynolds
Riane Eisler

Biography and Background

Eric:  Hello Riane! Thank you so much for joining me. I was wondering if we could start with you giving a brief background of how you came to being who you are, I guess, and the work that you do?

Riane:  That’s an interesting question, because my life has been like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle coming together. Each piece seemed disparate. You know, my having …

8/29 – Cover

August 2018 / Cover

Momentous Leap Cover featuring Left to Right: Jane Loevinger, Don Beck, Russ Volckmann, Robin Wood, Clare Graves, Jean Piaget, Jean Gebser, Ken Wilber, Susanne Cook-Greuter and Abraham Maslow



05/31 – We are back!

Leading Comments / May 2018

Thank you for joining me for the first issue of ILR for 2018. Many people have expressed their concern to me in the past seven months that our last issue would be the final issue. Here is my answer. Welcome to another great issue of ILR!
