Author Archives: Jordan MacLeod


Feature Articles / March 2010

How Money Changes the World
An Interview with Author and Integral Economist

by Jordan MacLeod

macleodILR: Tell us about your process for writing New Currency.

JM: Well, it’s been a work in progress for a few years, but it really wasn’t until the onset of the financial crisis and other geopolitical factors that really provided the context and impetus to finish the book.

ILR: What other geopolitical factors are you speaking of?

JM: Well, the most …

Book Review: Evolving in the City A Review and Interview with Integral City Author Dr. Marilyn Hamilton

Book Reviews / October 2008

Integral City coverMarilyn Hamilton (2008). Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive. Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society Publishers.

About Integral City

Integral City describes the city as if it were a whole system, the human equivalent of the bee hive. It proposes an integral meta-framework to reframe cities as resilient, vibrant human habitats. In the context of climatic/geographic life conditions, it explores the intentions, behaviors, cultures and social systems of individuals and groups in the …

Feature Article: Branding: The Integral Leader’s Trojan Horse? Jordan Bruce MacLeod

Feature Articles / June 2007


Jordan Bruce MacLeod

‘Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind.’
– Walter Landor

Business Week’s latest ranking of the world’s top 100 brands attests to the staggering value now being attributed to these rather intangible and nebulous assets. From the bottom of the list, where Levi’s (#100) weighs in at $2.7 billion all the way to the top where Coca-Cola’s $67 billion dollar brand enjoys a refreshing view, these mega-corporations are …