Author Archives: Keith Bellamy

Integral for the Masses: Suffer Little Children

Integral for the Masses / March 2009

Keith BellamyThe ancient Chinese curse, “May your children live in interesting times” is well and truly upon us. With every passing day, life as we have come to know and love it seems to be unraveling at the seams. For many, a wave of suffering is washing away expectations, and lifestyles are being torn to shreds by the man-made tsunami that is upon us; we are at a bifurcation point in our lives longing for the past

Integral for the Masses: Focusing on Differences – A Critical Trait for the Aspiring Integral Leader?

Integral for the Masses / January 2009

Keith BellamyGreetings to all our reader(s)—well I know that there is a least one as he writes to comment on each article almost immediately after publication—here’s wishing you a healthy and harmonious 2009 and may all the trials and tribulations of 2008 fade rapidly into a distant memory or in some cases just a bad nightmare.

Talking of nightmares, one that returns to haunt me on a recurring basis is based around my participating in a second …

Integral for the Masses: Holding Leaders to Account or Allowing Them to Squirm?

Integral for the Masses / October 2008

Keith BellamyThis column comes with a health warning. Those people who are allergic to or intolerant of “vented spleen” are advised to either turn to another article in this great issue of the Integral Leadership Review, or to ensure that they are wearing the appropriate protective clothing.

I have to admit that as I sit writing today, I am angry. Actually that’s an understatement, I am furious, and I think that you should be too. For the …

Integral for the Masses: Leadership Lessons from Randy

Integral for the Masses / August 2008

Keith BellamyAs I sit to write this article my mailbox is starting to fill with reports from the attendees at the Integral Theory Conference near San Francisco that was held last week. If I am totally honest, I am more than a little envious of the wonderful experience that attendees seemed to have had and look forward to experiencing the aftershocks, if not, the major quake in the Integral firmament. I have no doubt that the world

Integral for the Masses: Life at the Spear-Point of Evolution Take 2

Feature Articles / June 2008

in Conversation with Robb Smith–CEO Integral Institute, Chairman & CEO Integral Life

Robb SmithKeith BellamyJust over a year ago I was given the opportunity to interview Robb Smith, the newly appointed Chief Executive of the Integral Institute. When I heard on the grapevine that Robb was making a flying visit to New York City, I thought that it would be a good time to catch up and to see how things are progressing at Integral Institute. My request …

Integral For the Masses: Perpetual Change – The Integral Leader’s Challenge

Integral for the Masses / March 2008

Keith BellamyWhilst threatening to expose both how long in the tooth I am and my slightly warped musical tastes I have to admit that one of my favorite recordings of all time is The Yes Album by the band Yes (there was a clear thread of Zen influence on the Progressive Rock scene back in 1971 when it was released.) Purchased initially on vinyl, I confess to having owned copies in 8-track, cassette, CD and mini-disk formats

Leadership For the Masses: A Summer of Integral Leadership Revelation

Integral for the Masses / January 2008

Keith BellamyThe heavens punish us by giving us what we wish for, or so the old saying goes. At a meeting of the Management Review Board for the ILR. I argued for the need to have specialized or focused editions of this august organ. Whilst I was my normal loquacious and persuasive self in the debate, I felt that my seeds of logic had fallen on stony ground; so nobody was more surprised than myself when Russ

Integral for the Masses: The Credit Crisis Through an Integral Lens — and When is the Most Appropriate Time to Evaluate a Leader’s Achievements?

Integral for the Masses / November 2007

Keith BellamyNew York: The most fascinating show in town this summer has, in my opinion, played out not on Broadway but down at the tip of Manhattan on Wall Street. From the same people who brought you such previous delights as “The 1929 Crash,” “Melt Down in South America,” and “Bursting the dot-com bubble,” amongst many others; this year we were treated to “The Sub-Prime Credit Crisis.” Featuring a cast of millions, yet again the Financial Services

Integral for the Masses: Integral Leadership Lessons from the Hogwarts School

Integral for the Masses / August 2007

Keith BellamyIt is two minutes to midnight on Friday 20th July 2007; I am standing in line with about 70,000 other individuals in Diagon Alley awaiting the culmination of the publishing event of the century, maybe of all time. Of course those of you who are up to speed with the antics of the young wizard Harry Potter and his pals know that I am not really standing in Diagon Alley but on Main Street in Naperville,

Integral For the Masses: Integral Leadership: Living Life at the Spear Tip of Evolution, An Interview with Robb Smith, CEO Integral Institute

Integral for the Masses / June 2007

Robb Smith

Keith BellamyAt the tender age of eight years old, Robb Smith had already started to build a portfolio of stocks and shares. Born in the 1970s and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area he was just doing what all the other kids were doing at the time. This was the time of the “Barbarians at the Gate,” “Gordon Gekko,” and, of course, his immortal mantra, “Greed is good!” Psychologist Jean M. Twinge has coined the terms …