Author Archives: Jeannie Carlisle Volckmann

8/31 – From the IP Bookshelf: Shadow Light Workbook by Keith Witt

Integral Publishers' Bookshelf / August-November 2017

Integral Publishers Partner and Chief of Acquisitions and Editorial, Jeannie Carlisle interviews Keith Witt about his latest work,

Jeannie: Thanks for joining us today, Keith. It’s always such a pleasure to speak with you about your work. You are one of the most passionate and joyful authors we have the privileged to publish. Could you describe to the ILR audience the premise of the workbook?

Keith: Absolutely! Shadow Light: Illuminations at the Edge of Darkness was …

4/22 – Jeannie Carlisle with Marilyn Hamilton: Integral City, Inquiry & Action

Integral Publishers' Bookshelf / April-June 2017

ILR’s Jeannie Carlisle interviews Marilyn Hamilton, author of the new work, Integral City Inquiry & Action: Designing Impact for the Human Hive

JC: Hello Marilyn, and welcome! In a few sentences, please describe the premise of this important new book for our readers.

MH: Integral City Inquiry & Action: Designing Impact for the Human Hive is a guidebook for placecaring and placemaking. It offers urban planners the complementary steps to the technology offered by Smart Cities …

2/15 – Cover

Cover / January-February 2015

©2014 Aboriginal Nations Education, Greater Victoria School Board, BC, Canada
Artist Jamin Zurowski
4 Quadrant Guides: Bear/UL. Wolf /LL. Raven/UR. Salmon/LR.
This Totem is a Gift used with permission on this Canada Issue. Please do not reproduce without © Permission.


©2014 Aboriginal Nations Education, Greater Victoria School Board, BC, Canada
Artist Jamin Zurowski
4 Quadrant Guides: Bear/UL. Wolf /LL. Raven/UR. Salmon/LR.
This Totem is a Gift used with permission on this Canada Issue. Please do not reproduce without © Permission.

Student Paper

Emerging Scholars / January 2010

The Nonlinearity of Cultural Tradition:
Baron Carl von Clausewitz, the First Vector of the On War Fractal X
by Jeannie Carlisle Volckmann

Jeannie Carlisle VolckmannFew would disagree that On War by Barron Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831), is the most influential book ever written on military philosophy in the Western world. Its popularity has not waned since the nineteenth century, the proof of which is On War remains on the US Army Chief of Staff’s professional reading list to …