Category Archives: January 2007


Coda / January 2007

Leadership and the Integral Leadership Review: Reflections on Kouzes and Posner, A Leader’s Legacy and a Presentation by Prasad Kaipa, “Leadership and the Being-Doing Gap”

Please indulge me. I’m going to get a little personal here.

I have been offering summaries of books and articles for several years in ILR. For the most part I have tried to reserve CODA for publications that inform an integral (transdisciplinary, developmental) approach to leadership. I will reserve that type of summary for Sue …

Feature Article: An Integral Approach to the Teaching of Leadership Studies at the University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences

Feature Articles / January 2007

Cheryl GetzSteve GelbThe challenge for leaders everywhere is to develop the knowledge and skills to manage the complexity of issues that dominate everyday life. Teaching leadership involves more than skill building and professional development. The teaching of leadership is a challenge that requires the kind of internal re-structuring which comes only from struggling through fundamental issues of meaning, purpose, complexity, and paradox (Leadership Institute, 2006). It requires attention to the wholeness of the individual—a more integrated and less fragmented approach than is

Feature Article: The Difference between Leaders and “Leaders of Leaders”

Feature Articles / January 2007

Herb Rubenstein Introduction

Trustee Leadership. Total Leadership. Assigned Leadership. Connective Leadership. Balanced Leadership. Muscular Leadership. Toxic Leadership. Fusion Leadership. Complexity Leadership. Character Based Leadership. Emergent Leadership. Directive Leadership. Participative Leadership. Ethical Leadership. Principled Leadership. Team Leadership. Achievement Oriented Leadership. Supportive Leadership. Charismatic Leadership. Wholehearted Leadership. Level 5 Leadership. Authentic Leadership. Leadership Development. Leadership Training. Executive Development. Team Building. Coaching. Situational Leadership. Principle Centered Leadership. Values Centered Leadership. Inclusive Leadership. Servant Leadership. Transactional Leadership. Transformational Leadership. Enlightened Leadership. Leadership at Every Step. Leading …

Dialogue: Integral Theory into Integral Action: Part 3

Dialogue / January 2007

INTRODUCTION: This is the third in a series of email exchanges framed as a dialogue between Mark Edwards, an Australian PhD candidate who has written extensively about integral theory and is a member of the Integral Leadership Council, and Russ Volckmann, editor and publisher of the Integral Leadership Review. Our goal is to clarify how integral theory and mapping might be helpful in comprehending the subject of leadership and guiding the construction of transdisciplinary, developmental approaches to improving practice, development

Feature Article: Leadership in Requisite Organization: A Spiral Dynamics Perspective

Feature Articles / January 2007

Herb Koplowitz

koplowitz photoThis paper has two purposes. First, it is an exploration and explanation of leadership as it is understood within Requisite Organization (Jaques 1996). RO (Requisite Organization) is a total systems approach to designing, staffing and managing the workplace. Most people who work in organization design or organization development have not heard of it or of Elliott Jaques who was its major designer. Jaques is so unknown, in fact, that there is a small literature on why he is

Leadership Emerging

Leadership Emerging / January 2007

Summary: Ken Wilber Conversation with John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods

Part 1: The Future of Business is Integral

Part 2: The Future of Politics is Integral Too!business.

This is, perhaps, one of the most stimulating and insightful conversations on the subject of business and an integral approach that I know of—and this coming from someone who has done numerous interviews in this arena. Why do I offer such high praise? Well, part of it is how well Ken …