Category Archives: July 2001


Coda / July 2001

R & D Invitation, July 2001

Thanks to those who have responded to the invitation to join an R&D project for about three months. I hope to get this started by the end of July. More information will follow.

We need to understand more about the relationship between the needs of executives and how coaching can support those needs. The Manchester Group has provided a report about this that is very useful. And I think we can do even better.…

Leading Comments

Leading Comments / July 2001


Due to the rapid increase in subscriptions to Leadership Opportunity I would like to make sure we are in the same field as you read this e-journal. First, I wish to express my gratitude to the many kindnesses, suggestions and offers of support LeadershipOpportunity has received.

The mission of this e-journal is to be a practical guide to the application of an integral perspective to the challenges of leadership in business and life.

B-Coach.comLearn the secrets of developing emotional …

Leadership Coaching Tip

Leadership Coaching Tips / July 2001

Help the leader define their context in terms of strategy, business objectives and relationships with others in the leadership system. Then, look at their roles as committed members of the leadership group and competent contributors to the leadership organization. Compare and contrast what is important individually and collectively for leadership. Identify the requirements for individual and collective action to apply competencies and commitment to achieving business objectives. Support the leader in identifying developmental opportunities and strategies.

> Russ Volckmann…

Leadership Quote

Leadership Quote / July 2001

“We live in a society where nobody is completely in charge of anything. Leaders are managers of complexity, but in a high-tech age, if all information comes from the top, it’s probably ineffective and too late. No grandpa at the helm possesses enough knowledge to make the organization run efficiently. Increased complexity requires that people from all levels of the organization have the freedom to think for themselves-not just obey orders. More than ever, executive leadership means that you have

Feature Article: Leadership Competence – Part II

Feature Articles / July 2001

This is the fifth in a series of articles on elements of Integral Leadership.

A Leadership Opportunity: An Integral Approach is premised on the idea that heroic ideas of leadership are no longer sufficient to serve the requirements of business in the face of rapid change and complexity. I am always pleased when I find a quotation such as the one by Harlan Cleveland above that supports this point of view. As you read these issues of LeadershipOpportunity you will …