Category Archives: March 2010

CODA: Messing with Problems

Coda / March 2010

Christopher Meyer and Julia Kirby in Harvard Business
Review; Ian I. Mitroff and Abraham Silvers, Dirty Rotten Strategies

Leadership Coaching TipAre the times really changing or is it same ‘ole, same ole…’? Is there hope for progress in confronting the challenges we face in the world or have the French had it right all along (as I suspect they have in a number of ways)? “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose!” (The more things change, the more they remain the …


Feature Articles / March 2010

Five Spiraling Cycles of Transformational Learning
A Systems Map for Integral Self-Managers/Leaders

by Robert Wayne Johnston

As you probably know much has been written in various and sundry publications about the persistent paucity of effective leaders. My management consulting and business school teaching experience over several decades tells me much of the cause lies in our lack of focus on conscious integral self-management as a vital prerequisite for effective leadership.

My definition of integral self-managing includes consciously choosing one’s responses …

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field / March 2010

Battle For the Economy
Institute of Ideas Seminar 16 May 2009,
Goodenough College, London
by Graham Mummery

In the Great Hall of Goodenough College, London, its founder looks down on the proceedings. I am familiar with his name from induction courses during my, now defunct, banking career. He was Barclays Bank’s chairman in the 1920’s. A speech of his on monetary policy was described humorously by none other than John Maynard Keynes as “rational, even risqué.” So it seems some …

Leadership Coaching Tip

Leadership Coaching Tips / March 2010

“Mindful Recycling”
by Lain Kahlstrom

Have you ever noticed yourself becoming fond of a particular idea or practice or methodology, and applying it to virtually all of your clients? I have. I’ve gone on these little ‘jags’ where, miraculously, all of my clients needed to receive the same magic elixir from me. I poured it on everyone equally, in liberal dosages. Some of the memorable ‘idea hiccups’ of my past are: enneagram work, 360 feedback surveys, movement tags, U-theory presencing, …

Fresh Perspective

Fresh Perspective / March 2010

Appreciating Integral: An Interview with Dana Carman
Russ Volckmann

Since 1984 Dana Carman has coached and consulted to visionary leaders and organizations spanning five continents across multiple sectors of society. His clients have demonstrated a commitment to transform themselves and their organizations, as well as the industries and regions in which their organizations are embedded. A hallmark of Dana’s whole systems change approach is the simultaneous deployment of both a top down and bottom up approach that he has developed

Leadership Emerging

Leadership Emerging / March 2010

arbingerThe Arbinger Institute. Leadership and Self-Deception. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler 2010.

Self-deception shapes our experiences of life. This book seeks to determine the extent and implications of how it blinds us to seeing the true causes of our problems. The work of the Institute in teaching people about self-deception and how to address it is that it “sharpens vision, reduces feelings of conflict, enlivens the desire for teamwork, redoubles accountability, magnifies the capacity to achieve results and deepens satisfaction and …

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field / March 2010

The Purpose of The Model of Personal Development and Global Change
by James Blacker

This article relates to The Papillon Human Potential Model of Personal Development and Global Change, a teaching presentation that we present from the homepage of our multi-website Integral Wisdom Movement, Whole Life Whole World (.com). For information, Papillon Human Potential morphed into, and became a subset of, Whole Life Whole World, as we broadened to work with a few more colleagues.

The Aims of The Model…

Integral For the Masses

Integral for the Masses / March 2010

The Secret to Transform the Next 500 Years
by Keith Bellamy

Imagine, if you can, that you are a fly on the wall of a meeting that was taking place in the city of Aachen in 1439. In this equivalent of the mid 20th Century “smoke filled room” (remember Sir Walter Raleigh hasn’t brought tobacco back from the New World to England or Europe yet) temperatures are rising. The planned exhibition of relics from Emperor Charlemagne had already been delayed …


Book Reviews / March 2010

Michael Stron’s Be the Solution –
How Entrepreneurs and Conscious Capitalists
Can Solve All the World’s Problems

by John Bunzl

be the solution coverAs the title suggests, Be the Solution argues that our planetary crisis can be solved through the flowering of responsible entrepreneurship along with a stakeholder approach to business known as Conscious Capitalism. “Focused entirely on entrepreneurial and Conscious Capitalist solutions to the challenges and opportunities facing humanity,” the flyleaf tells us, “Be the Solution shows how the entrepreneurial passion to …

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field / March 2010

Terry Patten & Deborah Boyar at One Spirit Learning Alliance
by Lynne Feldman and Joanne Rubin

While a blizzard raged to our south, it was cold and clear outside in New York City. Inside the airy room at One Spirit Learning Alliance about 40 people had gathered to welcome Terry and Deborah present on Embodied Spirituality: Exploring the 3 Faces of God. They are both part-time New Yorkers, although Deborah visits more frequently and is an important part of the …