Category Archives: Feature Articles

Understanding Human Happiness, Its Measure and a New Leadership Role

Feature Articles / June 2013


In order to understand the role of leadership in promoting happiness, it is necessary to define happiness. A casual survey of people on the street would seem to indicate they know what makes them happy. Often these conversations will result in discussions about having enough money and resources, a nice place to live, closeness to family and friends, personal freedom to live their lives without undue external interference, and even a healthy spiritual life may be cited as examples …

Exploring the Pathways to Postconventional Personality Development

Feature Articles / June 2013

Angela H. Pfaffenberger


Abraham Maslow originated the notion of self-actualization over 50 years ago. However, very little research has emerged addressing the question of how individuals can progress to advanced stages of development. Past research has shown that the majority of adults fail to achieve the most advanced stages of personality development and that such development remains rare in contemporary cultures. This article presents the results of a grounded theory study that enrolled 22 international participants who had reached

Spiritual Intelligence and Integral Leadership

Feature Articles / March 2013

Alla Ratner

Alla Ratner
Alla Ratner


After 20 years in a successful leadership career, I experienced a loss of meaning. I felt locked into a dense isolation where going through one more day seemed intolerable. I was not aware that there could be a spiritual malady behind my professional and personal crisis. Spirituality was not a part of my vocabulary because I grew up in the atheistic culture of the former USSR and was taught to rely solely on my intellect. …

Living, Learning, and Leading within the Integral Space: Energizing Integral Leadership through Experiential Learning

Feature Articles / March 2013

Mark McCaslin and Jason Flora

There is an important relationship at work concerning integral leadership and the notion of the leader in a teaching and learning role. Integral leadership positions itself at the intersections of potential and therefore seeks the ability to use multiple approaches, multiple lenses, and to fashion the wide-reaching theoretical aims of leadership studies towards addressing existing problems and emergent opportunities. Integral Leadership illuminates the interrelationships occurring within this intersectional space, this transdisciplinary space, thereby inviting the …

Transformation in Leadership, Part 1: A Developmental Study of Warren Buffett

Feature Articles / March 2013

Edward J. Kelly


The following is a summary of my developmental research on Warren Buffett. The study concludes that Warren Buffett has gone through seven transformations in leadership and that his character development is largely responsible for his success as a leader.


I first became actively interested in Warren Buffett in 1995 having read Roger Lowenstein’s The Making of an American Capitalist. Sometime later I started trying to invest like Buffett and shortly after that, and having

Beyond Complexity

Feature Articles / March 2013

Eric Storm and Beth Meredith

It is common wisdom that leaders today must grapple with increasing amounts of complexity. This seems inevitable given our access to ever more information and our expanding awareness of and the connections between psychological, social, organizational, and technological factors. This is particularly true for integral leaders who are actively developing their mental models and related practices. As our cognitive complexity develops so too does our ability to perceive greater complexity. In other words our complexity …

Professor V.V. Nalimov: A Man Who Surpassed His Time

Feature Articles / March 2013

Transformation of Consciousness and New Reality

 Svetlana Maltseva

The present article introduces Professor Vasiliy Vasilievich Nalimov, a Russian mathematician and philosopher, whose ideas and concepts, regarding human consciousness, are both exciting and provocative. Nalimov’s profound scientific works showed the world that our society needs to see far beyond our time dimension to change the situation of collapse and the disordered state of moral values. Nalimov’s concepts of meaning and consciousness expand on a great variety of issues such as mathematics, …

Leadership Is a Lived Story: A Call for Radical Embodiment and Soul Resilience in Transformational Leadership Development

Feature Articles / March 2013

Carol Burbank

Abstract: The most direct way of developing the necessary flexibility and health for transformational leadership is through radically embodied presence. This kind of embodiment involves a fundamental reintegration of body, mind and spirit, involves developing evolutionary strengths that allow individual leaders to fully access their inner resources while connecting in the moment-to-moment, negotiated process of sustainable transformation.

For something that seems to be a universal quest, good leadership is a culturally specific puzzle, with subcultural variations that are …

Intention, Direction, Action: Inspiring Integral Leadership Through Process-oriented, Imagery-based Learning

Feature Articles / March 2013

Dorit Netzer


Drawing on humanistic and transpersonal psychologies and phenomenological theories of the imagination, this paper seeks to contribute to the development of theories and practices at the intersection of transpersonal, transformative adult education and integral leadership, particularly by advancing the Metagogy model of teaching and learning, as recently outlined by McCaslin and Scott. The author explores the phenomenological nature of imagery in its encapsulation of tacit or explicit intention, intrinsic direction, and embedded action. She discusses the contribution …

Open Source Leadership Knowledge – Enabling ‘Good Leadership for All’

Feature Articles / March 2013

Kuldip Reyatt, Stephen Goveia, Kathryn Johnson, and Arthur Jue

In this thought piece, key challenges for the global leadership field/industry are highlighted, some of which, are also raised by others – notably, Barbara Kellerman (see endnotes for ILR links). Now is the right time to put forward thoughts about Good Leadership for All, ideas about Open Source Leadership Knowledge and a realisable strategic vision – all of which, have been progressively developed over the last couple of years. All the