Category Archives: Feature Articles

Leadership from a Cosmic Perspective[i]

Feature Articles / August 2012

Todd Duncan

“A healthy consciousness is like a spider’s web, and you are the spider in the centre. The centre of the web is the present moment. But the meaning of your life depends on those fine threads which stretch away to other times, other places, and the vibrations that come to you along the web… Normally your consciousness is like a very small spider’s web; its threads don’t stretch very far. Other times, other places, are not very real

Consciousness Models in Action: Comparisons

Feature Articles / June 2012

 Maretha Prinsloo


This paper discusses various theoretical models of the evolution of consciousness as well as critically evaluates and integrates the models into a single organising framework, which is then applied to leadership theory.

The construct of consciousness as described by the Spiral Dynamics (SD) model of Clare Graves is linked to the work of other developmental and consciousness theorists, namely Wilber, Gebser, Piaget, May, Kohlberg, Perry, Loevinger, Maslow and Kegan. The spiritual perspectives of Wilber, Myss, Tolle, Atmananda …

Leadership and the Horse

Feature Articles / June 2012

Bonnita Roy and George Herget

This exploration between George and me came about as a result of a conversation between George and Russ Volckmann. Russ could see a special kind of wisdom in George’s stories of the way people and horses can team up to deliver exceptional performance. I have been working with horses and people in relation to horses for many years. Since Russ knows that I use a fair amount of horse metaphors when talking about leadership and …

From Freedom to Awareness: Towards Personal Leadership

Feature Articles / June 2012

An Essay about Yin, Yang and Thinking Styles

Arthur ten Wolde

A hopeful trend in these turbulent times is that more and more people are becoming aware of their own motives. They are identifying, on the one hand, what really matters to them like family, justice, and social success and/or the environment. On the other hand, they are also aware of their own fears and frustrations. And not only that! A growing group tries to integrate these insights into their …

Integral Leadership and Diversity—Definitions, Distinctions and Implications

Feature Articles / June 2012

Russ Volckmann


The terms integral, leadership and diversity are explored with the purpose of showing how it is useful to consider them in relation to each other. Such consideration is significantly impacted by how we understand these and other terms that will be introduced. It is essential for us to appreciate how our approaches to meaning and sense making influence how we make choices about what is relevant, how we engage with these choices to implement efforts toward learning, …

Microcredit at a Crossroads: A Question of Principled Leadership

Feature Articles / June 2012

Wali I. Mondal and Mark R. Peters

The Bold Promise of Microcredit: Creating a World without Poverty

In is 2006 Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Muhammad Yunus set forth a vision for creating a world without poverty, a world where people would need to go to a museum to experience what poverty was like (Yunus, 1). Such a bold vision is inspirational and it was unthinkable just a few generations ago. Yunus is not alone in believing that this generation is …

Capital in Love – When Investors Attract Eros and Wealth

Feature Articles / June 2012

Patricia von Papstein

For M.

Abstract: Capital is a great material to work with. It immediately responds to the energy you charge it with. A new league of investment talents now discovers money as a tool for sensual wealth creation. They direct their capital into Eros Impact. Investments with an Eros Impact manifest the satisfaction of emotional, aesthetic and cultural desires in our industrial societies.

The author describes how the investment strategy of Eros Impact has been developed and …

Conscious Capitalism: Leaders and Organizations with a World View

Feature Articles / March 2012

Marie Legault


This article focuses on the development of conscious and world-centric leaders and businesses and, ultimately, conscious capitalism. In order for leaders to transform society and organizational cultures, they must first develop their own capabilities. The global context of business now requires leaders to think, feel, and act at world-centric stages of development in order to deal with the complexity of the global economic environment and create opportunities for a sustainable future. Research suggests that only a minority …

Leadership: Lessons From History

Feature Articles / March 2012

Dorothy Danaher White

This article focuses on the issues faced by leaders in the past and how they relate to issues here in the present. The concentration will be leadership, administration, and governance. Through an examination of leadership transitions, initiatives, and issues, the learner hopes to develop a greater appreciation of the complexity of various situations involving authority and the limits thereof and the range of knowledge, skills, and expertise needed by effective leaders.

The leadership provided by the Earl …

Leadership and The Body

Feature Articles / March 2012

Mark Walsh


A discussion of leadership must include the body to be integral – we are embodied creatures and this is a core part of our being. Traditional theories of leadership have, however, ignored embodiment, coming from what is a hyper-rational cognitively biased world-view this is not, perhaps, surprising. Encouragingly though, the topic of embodiment has been finding its way back into both organisations and leadership colleges in the UK, as well as becoming the subject of academic research …