Category Archives: Feature Articles

The Human Art of Leading—Part 2

Feature Articles / March 2012

[Part 1 of this article is: McCaslin, M. & Snow, R. (October, 2010). The human art of leading: A foreshadow to the potentiating movement of leadership studies. Integral Leadership Review, X (5). – Editor]

Practicing the Potentiating Art of Deep Understanding

Mark McCaslin and Renee Snow

Opening Interlude

It is difficult to fully speak about the gifts of human potential lying dormant in the eco – the sacred habitat where individually held potentials and energetic resources fuse. …

Transforming Economics: Caring Economy Leadership

Feature Articles / March 2012

Riane Eisler

All around us are signs that the old economic approaches are not adaptive. Gaps between haves and have-nots are again widening globally, poverty, unemployment, and debt are mounting even in the more affluent regions of our world, and no solutions are in sight for our rapidly accelerating environmental problems.

Yet the current economic discourse is still stuck in the old debate of capitalism vs. socialism, right vs. left, and free markets vs. central planning – an antiquated debate …

Integral Design Thinking, Guessing the Future

Feature Articles / March 2012

Lisa Norton

Design is focused on solving problems, and as such requires intervention, not just understanding. Whereas scientists describe how the world is, designers suggest how it might be. It follows that design is a central activity for the military profession whenever it allocates resources to solve problems, which is to say design is always a core component of operations.

 Colonel Stefen J. Banach, U.S. Army (105)

(Photo credit: Project H Design)

Due to its ability to order, configure, synthesize, …

The Relationship between Spiral Dynamics and the Gell-Mann Curve

Feature Articles / March 2012

Raghu Ananthanarayanan

I had a very enlightening conversation with scientist Dr. S. Naranan who works in the area of cosmic energy and particle physics, but also bends his considerable intellect towards linguistics. He is part of a duo – Balasubramanian and Naranan, highly respected researchers who have published several papers on linguistics. The two papers in the journal Quantitative Linguistics discuss complexities of language and entropy. I was intrigued by the discussions and wondered if we could map Spiral Dynamics …

Leadership Wisdom and the Perspective of Time

Feature Articles / January 2012

Andrew Munro

“Decisions taken today are driven by our visions of tomorrow and based on what we learned yesterday.”
– Professor Bruce Lloyd

Executive Summary

The concept of wisdom is making a comeback (1). Following a period of business folly and fiasco, there is a growing realisation that classic competency frameworks fail to integrate fully the cognitive, affective and motivational dynamics of sustainable leadership. Abandoned some time ago as a quaint but non-scientific construct, wisdom is now regaining recognition as …

The Role of Values in Leadership: How Leaders’ Values Shape Value Creation

Feature Articles / January 2012

Scott Lichtenstein

Introduction: We’ve Been Practicing Leadership for Over 6,000 Years; What Else Do We Need to Know?

The Pharaohs leading the cadres managing the work teams that built the pyramids understood leadership (Dade 2008). The Imperial Emperors knew how to lead the Chinese civil service that held China together for thousands of years. The Moguls of India and their administrators understood how to lead. The Holy Roman Empire needed no leadership books or journal articles. Leadership as practised by …

Perception, Reversibility, “Flesh”: Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology and Leadership as Embodied Practice

Feature Articles / January 2012

Donna Ladkin

From the end of the 1990s to the present, a growing shift can be seen in the leadership literature away from predominantly cognitively-based accounts to those which recognise the emotional (Bono & Ilies 2006), affective (Naidoo, Kohari, Lord & DuBois 2010) and aesthetic (Hansen, Ropo & Sauer 2007; Ladkin 2008) aspects of leadership. Each of these approaches is grounded in an appreciation of leadership as a phenomenon that occurs through the interactions of sensing, perceiving bodies. This article …

Epoch of Transformation: An Interpersonal Leadership Model for the 21st Century–Part 1

Feature Articles / January 2012

Nick Ross

”There is nothing in the world that does not have its decisive moment, and the masterpiece of good conduct is to see and seize this moment.” Cardinal de Retz

“Psychology must be gained for it is not given and without psychological education we do not understand ourselves and we suffer”. James Hillman 1926-2011

Acknowledgement: I would like to thank my dear friend Cam Danielson for all his help, guidance and support in bringing this model to the place …

Getting Back to the Body: Leadership Lessons on Power from the Martial Arts and Somatic Tradition

Feature Articles / January 2012

John Tuite

Why the Body Matters to Leadership

Some twenty plus years ago when I began training as a secondary school teacher, I had a few run-ins with a difficult class or two. There is a particularly sharp anguish that one experiences when a classroom of teenagers disintegrates beneath your hands. But it does compel a healthy desire to study good teachers handling challenging situations or tricky transitions in class. “Okay, that’s how you do it! That’s what you say!” …

Analytic-Network Coaching©: Coaching for Distributed ‘Eco’ Leadership and Organizational Change

Feature Articles / January 2012


Simon Western


Organizations are changing fast, driven by emerging new technologies and globalization that makes our world smaller and more interdependent. Transnational corporations, population increase, new communication technologies, the demise of natural resources and climate change, new social networks and social movements, have all led to social and organizational changes that demand a new form of leadership.

The task and opportunity for those working in the leadership development field is to respond to these challenges.  “Leadership: a Critical …