Category Archives: Feature Articles

Feature Article: Mindfulness Matters

Feature Articles / June 2011

Rosaria (Ria) Hawkins

One of the many concepts shaping our view of self, health, leaders, leadership, and organizations is mindfulness. The purpose of this article is to first provide a quick summary of the concept of mindfulness and its transition from the clinical therapy arena into the leadership and popular press. Second, I provide a brief overview of my doctoral findings—the processes by which mindful leaders engage others in change. Finally, I begin to formulate and categorize the major practice-based …

Feature Article: Complexity Epistemology, Complexity Axiology, and Real Property Rights

Feature Articles / June 2011

Michael McDermott and Spike Boydell




An intellectual foment has been under way for the last few decades, with the limitations of modernist scientism and similarly mechanistic philosophies being revealed as fraudulent insofar as they make claims to any magisterial authority—in particular, over life and social sciences. The ground is shifting beneath our conceptual feet, and with it notions of our rights over the ground itself.

Central to the emerging paradigm is the co-evolutionary emergence of complexity epistemology …

Feature Article: Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education, Part 7: Conclusion

Feature Articles / June 2011

Synopsis of Integral Leadership Review’s Series

on Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education

Sue L. T. McGregor and Russ Volckmann

During 2010-2011, Russ Volckmann (Editor and publisher of the Integral Leadership Review) and Sue McGregor (Integral Leadership Council member) published six papers in a series about making the transdisciplinary (TD) university a reality. We profiled initiatives in United States, Europe (Germany, Austria), Mexico and Brazil, Australia, and Romania (the order they appeared in the series). We tried to cover each continent (except …

Feature Article: Toward a Sustainable Future: Integral Leadership in the New World Economy

Feature Articles / June 2011

Brian McConnell

The Integral Research Center Roanoke, VA






Abstract: Presenting a background of historical context, “Toward a Sustainable Future” offers an overview in the ascendancy of neoliberal/neoconservative viewpoints constituting the world’s dominant socioeconomic ideology today. An AQAL framework is then introduced and subsequently examined as an aid to envisioning and ultimately adopting Integral approaches capable of better supporting value(s) of human relatedness. In so doing, the article’s content aspires to empower today’s leaders to pioneer …

Feature Article: Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education, Part 6, University Babes-Bolyai, Romania

Feature Articles / June 2011

Nicolescu in Romania

Sue LT McGregor and Russ Volckmann

Thus far we have looked at transdisciplinary programs at particular institutions of higher education in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Austria and the European Union, and Australia. In this penultimate chapter in this series we take a look, not just at a transdisciplinary PhD program in Romania, but at the remarkable Romanian who has encouraged and fostered so much attention to transdisciplinarity around the world: Basarab Nicolescu.

Nicolescu is a Romanian …

Feature Article: What is Second Tier: Powers and Perspectives Available to Leaders at Second Tier

Feature Articles / June 2011

Wayne Carr, Ph.D.


My intenIion is to bring forth some different perspectives on second tier (see my definition of second tier under the next heading). I will tap into a fountain and share some water with you. I intend to look around and fine some elephants that might be in the room.

I want to clarify distinctions between first, second and third tier. I will look at the roles of stuckness, pathology, authority, contactfulness, non-local consciousness, non-dual …

Featured Article: Embodied Intelligence: An Integral View of the Body, An AQAL Model of Embodied Phenomena and Practices

Feature Articles / March 2011

Mark Walsh

What is exactly is physical intelligence? What are some of the ways your body can be experienced, employed and developed? How do we make sense of the multitude of embodied practices now available to do this?

This paper is intended for those with at least a passing familiarity with Ken Wilber’s integral theory and interested in the body. In it I lay out some of the fundamentals of an integral theory of the body including the embodied intelligence …

Featured Article: Resilience Through The Integral Lens – A Case Study

Feature Articles / March 2011

Maureen Metcalf and Belinda Gore

This article takes a look at resilience through an integral lens. We will explore how we define it, how we applied it to a client project, our findings, and our analysis.

Our objective in writing this article is to contribute to the literature of applied integral theory about leadership development through sharing our learnings. These theories, and our application of them, are a work in process. We (Maureen Metcalf and Belinda Gore) have been teaching …

Featured Article: Leadership for Sustainable Change

Feature Articles / March 2011

“I don’t have a message; my message is my life.”  ~Gandhi

Vernice Solimar


Being the change

We live in a time of great transition in which our experiences and concepts of self, society and the universe are continuously dying and transforming; a time in which the most compelling need is visionary leadership that initiates opportunities for sustainable, healthy, wise and creative action in the world.  In this article, I explore the cultivation of a visionary leadership for sustainable …

Featured Article: Provisos from a Users Guide to Integral Developmental Theories

Feature Articles / March 2011

Tom Murray

Integral theories of adult development attempt to capture, synthesize, apply, and extend the state of the art from many scholarly threads, shedding new light on our understanding of the developmental process. Yet human development is exceedingly complex and taxes our abilities to understand and model it. Is our shared understanding of development sufficient to the expectations we have of it and the tasks we apply it to? Zachary Stein notes how “complex philosophical approaches and worldviews…reach beyond the …