Category Archives: Feature Articles

11/30 – The Truth, the Goodness, and the Beauty: Integral Essence of Russian Philosophy

Feature Articles / August-November 2016

Alexander Malakhov


Translated from Russian by Eugene Pustoshkin

The Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and, in many ways, contemporary Russia have been uniquely distinctive spaces, only partially included into other civilizational projects. The collective spirit of these spaces is rarely understood by foreigners and, in fact, not always grasped by the very inhabitants of these territories. Intellectually, spiritually, and in part physically, this is still an undescribed land, terra incognita, which is often seen both as a holy …

8/31 – From Abrasive to Impressive Leadership

Feature Articles / August-November 2016

Lynn Harrison, PhD

This is a story about how coaching based on integral leadership concepts helped bring about the successful transformation of a leader formerly viewed by coworkers as highly abrasive. For deep and sustained change to occur, the work needed to explore not only externally visible behaviors and practices, but the powerful inner values, attitudes, and beliefs held by the individual and the organization. In the end, the results were indeed impressive.


Here is the story

During my 20 …

8/31 – You look pretty good for your age!

Feature Articles / August-November 2016

Mark Davenport


Are you old enough to have heard this from someone perhaps your own age, but probably younger than you, but certainly not older than you?  If so. How did you feel upon hearing it?

For me it was a bit like being called “Sir” in a shop for the first time. I thought at the moment that I was not yet a “Sir” and was offended by someone presuming I was. A female friend recalls feeling deeply angry …

8/31 – Trusting Desire: A Trans-lineage ‘Living Spirituality’ that Actually Leads to Action

Feature Articles / August-November 2016

Zach Schlosser


In this paper I outline a trans-lineage spirituality rooted in our intrinsic and discovered desires. I begin with a critique of Buddhism and then draw on insights from Saniel Bonder’s work developing the contemporary awakening school Waking Down in Mutuality, Bonnitta Roy’s Process Model of Integral Theory and her notion of View, Bruce Alderman’s and A.H. Almaas’s recent trans-lineage reconsiderations of ontology and soteriology respectively, process philosophers such as Charles Hartshorne and Eugene Gendlin to respond to …

8/31 – The Pathway to Integral Operational Leadership

Feature Articles / August-November 2016

Greg Park


In today’s successful twenty first century business organisation the operational leader is to be regarded less as the “dinosaur”, to be culled in the interests of efficiency, but rather as the pivotal leadership role in re-defining and effectively implementing an alternative organisational logic. This new leadership logic takes into account, in an integral manner, the dynamic and radical changes within the wider socio-economic context and culture of which the business organisation is but a part and upon …

4/28 – The Science of Possibility: What’s the question?

Feature Articles / April-June 2016

Jon Freeman

Our core human questions have not changed in centuries.   “Who am I, where did “all this” come from, where is it going, how does it work.….?”  Our answers have evolved, increasing in sophistication as our frameworks have grown and as we have added to the information available.  That journey of widening perspective is expressed within the developmental stages, from nature spirits to power gods, to monotheistic creation stories and spirit-free scientific randomness duelling with both the religious dogmas …

4/28 – Transfiguring the Everyday: Socio-Cultural Ontologies and Philosophical Transgression

Feature Articles / April-June 2016

Michael Schwartz



Disenchantment, Philosophy, Meta-Philosophy

Disenchantment is a recurring, if at times underground, concern in contemporary continental and comparative philosophy. To get some quick bearings, let us recall Weber’s famous characterization of modern instrumental reason and its rationalizing processes as dissolving and displacing pre-modern senses of an inherently meaningful and magical world. Similarly, in a more directly philosophical register, Heidegger’s history of being culminates in the reign of Gestell, a mode of sending which veils the meaning, …

3/7 – Multidimensional communication in Holoscendence: How it augments Integral psychotherapy, leadership, and ordinary life

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

Eugene Pustoshkin

In this article I want to tell about the concept of multidimensional communication pioneered in Holoscendence, an integral meta-method of human development, first introduced and developed by Sergey Kupriyanov, PhD in Medicine, a Russian-born Integral therapist from Helsinki, Finland (Kupriyanov 2013).

Dr. Kupriyanov—during the many years of his work in USSR as a practicing psychotherapist and researcher of family therapy and psychosomatic medicine (e.g., Kupriyanov 1983)—became interested in the evolution and further unfolding of his practicing method. At …

3/7 – Steps towards an Integral Tomorrow

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

Alexander Malakhov, with Eugene Pustoshkin

Alexander Malakhov

PUSTOSHKIN Eugene 2016 smIn the past hundred years numerous thinkers around the world—from the United States to the Soviet Union and India—came to believe that if the human civilization wants to survive and reach new horizons, societies and people that constitute those societies must overcome fragmentariness and prevailing prejudices and learn to see the total abundant diversity of perspectives that comprise reality. In synchrony to that, a rediscovery of the realm of spirit happened, the inexhaustibility and multifacetedness …

3/7 – An Integral Approach to the Thought Space or Noosphere – Evolving of Human Consciousness and its Energy

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

Sanja Veršić

Picture 134(1)

Russian Cosmic Ideas and Energy Reading.

From materials presented at the IEC, May 2014


In this paper the attention is drawn to the energetic dimension of the human space of thought scientifically known as noosphere. The term is elaborated by the Russian natural scientist Vladimir Vernadsky, one of the prominent thinkers of the Russian Cosmism. This trend is known today as a socio-cultural phenomenon originated at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. …