Category Archives: Integral for the Masses

Integral for the Masses / June 2010

Integral For The Masses
Moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm
An Integral Leader’s Story

Keith Bellamy

bellamythresherThe wires of the Internet have been running extremely hot the past few days as Integralistas from all corners of the globe have been discussing, with extreme passion, the difference between theory and meta-theory and the rights of philosophers to change their mind and effectively disavow their earlier work. From the great centers of Integral Inquiry, we are being bombarded with theorists …

Integral For the Masses

Integral for the Masses / March 2010

The Secret to Transform the Next 500 Years
by Keith Bellamy

Imagine, if you can, that you are a fly on the wall of a meeting that was taking place in the city of Aachen in 1439. In this equivalent of the mid 20th Century “smoke filled room” (remember Sir Walter Raleigh hasn’t brought tobacco back from the New World to England or Europe yet) temperatures are rising. The planned exhibition of relics from Emperor Charlemagne had already been delayed …

Integral For the Masses

Integral for the Masses / January 2010

Subway Ride to the Bronx
by Keith Bellamy

I recently undertook one of those seminal transformative acts that not only changes one’s life, but continues to reverberate through one’s whole being even after the actual event is a distant memory. No this wasn’t a silent retreat, nor an ecstatic dance weekend, nor an exquisite deep tissue massage, nor participation in a sweat lodge—I’ve done all of those, and rewarding they were, too. The act that has had such a major …

Integral for the Masses: A fresh Perspective on Technology and Its Role in Furthering Integral Leadership

Integral for the Masses / August 2009

keith bellamyFirst an apology to anybody who was expecting to see the second part of my article on the work that we did on the State of the Integral Spirituality Movement at the Integral New York City Salon (iNYCS) earlier this year. It was always my intention to present the conclusions that we arrived at in this issue of ILR. However, as the great Liverpudlian sage, John Lennon would have said, “Life is what happens while you are busy making plans

Integral for the Masses: State of the Integral Spirituality Movement—Part 1

Integral for the Masses / June 2009

keith bellamyWe have been very busy little beavers here in the New York City Integral Community of late. On the surface, it might appear as if we have been continuing in our normal manner, holding meetings and discussing our future plans and generally seeking to further the cause in the Metropolis. Any casual observer probably wouldn’t have given us a second glance over the past few months. Yet the truth is, more by accident than design, we stumbled into a process

Integral for the Masses: Suffer Little Children

Integral for the Masses / March 2009

Keith BellamyThe ancient Chinese curse, “May your children live in interesting times” is well and truly upon us. With every passing day, life as we have come to know and love it seems to be unraveling at the seams. For many, a wave of suffering is washing away expectations, and lifestyles are being torn to shreds by the man-made tsunami that is upon us; we are at a bifurcation point in our lives longing for the past but having to create

Integral for the Masses: Focusing on Differences – A Critical Trait for the Aspiring Integral Leader?

Integral for the Masses / January 2009

Keith BellamyGreetings to all our reader(s)—well I know that there is a least one as he writes to comment on each article almost immediately after publication—here’s wishing you a healthy and harmonious 2009 and may all the trials and tribulations of 2008 fade rapidly into a distant memory or in some cases just a bad nightmare.

Talking of nightmares, one that returns to haunt me on a recurring basis is based around my participating in a second rate cable TV program …

Integral for the Masses: Holding Leaders to Account or Allowing Them to Squirm?

Integral for the Masses / October 2008

Keith BellamyThis column comes with a health warning. Those people who are allergic to or intolerant of “vented spleen” are advised to either turn to another article in this great issue of the Integral Leadership Review, or to ensure that they are wearing the appropriate protective clothing.

I have to admit that as I sit writing today, I am angry. Actually that’s an understatement, I am furious, and I think that you should be too. For the past 18 months or …

Integral for the Masses: Leadership Lessons from Randy

Integral for the Masses / August 2008

Keith BellamyAs I sit to write this article my mailbox is starting to fill with reports from the attendees at the Integral Theory Conference near San Francisco that was held last week. If I am totally honest, I am more than a little envious of the wonderful experience that attendees seemed to have had and look forward to experiencing the aftershocks, if not, the major quake in the Integral firmament. I have no doubt that the world of Integral thinking will

Integral For the Masses: Perpetual Change – The Integral Leader’s Challenge

Integral for the Masses / March 2008

Keith BellamyWhilst threatening to expose both how long in the tooth I am and my slightly warped musical tastes I have to admit that one of my favorite recordings of all time is The Yes Album by the band Yes (there was a clear thread of Zen influence on the Progressive Rock scene back in 1971 when it was released.) Purchased initially on vinyl, I confess to having owned copies in 8-track, cassette, CD and mini-disk formats as well as the