Category Archives: Integral for the Masses

Leadership For the Masses: A Summer of Integral Leadership Revelation

Integral for the Masses / January 2008

Keith BellamyThe heavens punish us by giving us what we wish for, or so the old saying goes. At a meeting of the Management Review Board for the ILR. I argued for the need to have specialized or focused editions of this august organ. Whilst I was my normal loquacious and persuasive self in the debate, I felt that my seeds of logic had fallen on stony ground; so nobody was more surprised than myself when Russ announced that this current

Integral for the Masses: The Credit Crisis Through an Integral Lens — and When is the Most Appropriate Time to Evaluate a Leader’s Achievements?

Integral for the Masses / November 2007

Keith BellamyNew York: The most fascinating show in town this summer has, in my opinion, played out not on Broadway but down at the tip of Manhattan on Wall Street. From the same people who brought you such previous delights as “The 1929 Crash,” “Melt Down in South America,” and “Bursting the dot-com bubble,” amongst many others; this year we were treated to “The Sub-Prime Credit Crisis.” Featuring a cast of millions, yet again the Financial Services Industry has taken the

Integral for the Masses: Integral Leadership Lessons from the Hogwarts School

Integral for the Masses / August 2007

Keith BellamyIt is two minutes to midnight on Friday 20th July 2007; I am standing in line with about 70,000 other individuals in Diagon Alley awaiting the culmination of the publishing event of the century, maybe of all time. Of course those of you who are up to speed with the antics of the young wizard Harry Potter and his pals know that I am not really standing in Diagon Alley but on Main Street in Naperville, Illinois. But as for

Integral For the Masses: Integral Leadership: Living Life at the Spear Tip of Evolution, An Interview with Robb Smith, CEO Integral Institute

Integral for the Masses / June 2007

Robb Smith

Keith BellamyAt the tender age of eight years old, Robb Smith had already started to build a portfolio of stocks and shares. Born in the 1970s and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area he was just doing what all the other kids were doing at the time. This was the time of the “Barbarians at the Gate,” “Gordon Gekko,” and, of course, his immortal mantra, “Greed is good!” Psychologist Jean M. Twinge has coined the terms “Generation Me” and “i-Gen” …

Integral For the Masses: Integral Leadership Steve Frazee on The Gulf Between Theory and Practice

Integral for the Masses / March 2007

Keith Bellamy photo

Steve Frazee photoAs a student of Integral Leadership can you imagine how it might feel to be told that you are to be the first Chief Executive of the most prestigious integral organization on the face of the planet? More than that, can you imagine what it might feel like to be told that you are going to take on this role when you never applied for it and had not spoken to anybody about it, let alone been interviewed for the …

Integral for the Masses: The future is bright!

Integral for the Masses / January 2007

Keith BellamyFor some reason that completely escapes me, our minds here in the west seem to do anything other than focus on the present at this time of the year. Perhaps it is the watery sunshine, which is in very short supply due to the tilting of the earth’s angle, kicking off some deep-seated part of our ancient brain. But without fail, for the two weeks before New Year and for a couple of weeks following the completely artificial accounting for

Integral for the Masses: “ Myth and the Integral Leader”

Integral for the Masses / October 2006

Keith BellamyA fundamental tenet of Integral Theory places the role of myth at an early stage of development both individually and collectively.  Those who allow myths to dictate and dominate their lives are deemed to be operating at a pre-rational level of cognition.  One of the major criticisms of the New Age Movement is that it has resurrected the myths of ancient times and posited them as being the answer to all that ails us in these post-modern times and beyond. 

Integral for the Masses

Integral for the Masses / June 2006

Keith BellamyProtecting the Integral Crown Jewels – a leadership responsibility for those pursuing an Integral path?

“Isn’t life a bitch?” the tall bald-headed one from Boulder, Colorado responded to a question that I put to him when he was visiting with a group of us from the New York Integral Community a few weeks back. Little was I to know how that answer was likely to rebound and bite me in the butt, with spades, in so short a period of …

Integral for the Masses!

Integral for the Masses / March 2006

Keith BellamyIntegral Awareness

Earlier this week I had the honour and the privilege to be sitting in my local Integral Salon listening to one of the Salon members recount a recent experience where she had attempted to introduce Integral Theory to a group of CEOs.  At a weekend retreat, she and her colleagues were trying to help this group of highly motivated, young leaders understand that aspects of the Integral Model could prove to be powerful tools as they grapple with …

Integral for the Masses

Integral for the Masses / December 2005

Keith Bellamy

Leading into a new Stage: It’s all in the signs?…or maybe not!

The following is a conversation that I imagine might have taken place in the late 1970s between an official at the Dutch Ministry of Transport and a civil engineer called Hans Monderman.

“Hans, it’s Pieter from the Ministry. How are you?”

“I’m good thank you Pieter, and yourself?”

“Very well thank you. I have been reading your recent proposals concerning the new traffic scheme in Drachten. Very interesting.