August 2011
Table of Contents
Leadership Cartoon
Leadership Cartoon
Mark Hill
    Mark Hill l am a cartoonist whose cartoons have been published in over 100 magazines and newspapers, including Time Magazine, The Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times. My specialty is cartoons and humorous illustration for advertising, business and publish- ing. Fortune 500 clients with national advertising campaigns are among my repeat custom- […]
Leading Comments
Leading Comments: Conference Time and Deadlines
Russ Volckmann
Russ Volckmann You have been receiving a great number of emails from us recently, a highly unusual situation. The Integral Leadership Collaborative Conference beginning August 15 with over 300 participants is a most unusual and international event. Unfortunately, if you have not registered by the time you are seeing this, then access to the content […]
Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote: Peter Drucker
Russ Volckmann
“No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings.”  ~Peter Drucker
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip: A Process for Change
Barbara Alexander
A Process for Change Barbara Alexander It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. —W. Edwards Deming Many of us agree with the spirit of Deming’s quote… in order to survive we need to change. It has always been thus. Change is the only constant is a familiar phrase that finds its origins […]
Fresh Perspective
Fresh Perspective: Challenge in Mexico: A Conversation with Roberto Bonilla
Russ Volckmann
Russ Volckmann Russ: Roberto, we have been in communication for several years and much of it has been in relation to the work you have done with Don Beck in Mexico.  For example, one of the things that you have written about is the work that you have done with the Department of Education and […]
Fresh Perspective: Integral International Development: Gail Hochachka and Michael Simpson
Russ Volckmann
Integral International Development: Gail Hochachka and Michael Simpson Russ Volckmann Gail Hochachka is director of Drishti – Centre for Integral Action, where you can find some of her writing and reports on international development ( and Integral Program Coordinator at One Sky: Canadian Institute for Sustainable Living. Her husband, Michael Simpson, is the Executive Director […]
Feature Articles
08/15 – Thinking About Integral
Russ Volckmann
Gary Hawke As I have been developing the Integral Alive model, it appears that I am spending time feeling into the inquiry of —what does Integral mean. The more I have pursued this question, the more I began to realise that if I want to use the word Integral, then I better understand, not just what it means, but also in […]
Feature Article: Transdisciplinary Axiology: To Be or Not to Be?
Sue L. T. McGregor
Sue L. T. McGregor Transdisciplinarity (TD) is fast becoming a global philosophical movement. This paper is concerned with transdisciplinary axiology, especially with the ongoing conversation aboutwhether or not this particular axiom (pillar) is needed in conjunction with the three other transdisciplinary axioms: epistemology, logic and ontology. After providing an overview of the concepts of axioms […]
Feature Article: The Psychosocial Change in Leadership in Italy
Massimo Bellotto
Massimo Bellotto 1. The Context of Change The so-called cold war between the two super powers which maintained leadership of the most developed countries took place for forty years in an implicit way, due to the mutual deterrence of atomic weapons that was based on the competing accumulation of scientific and technological know-how, on persuasion […]
Feature Article: Precession and Integral Leadership
Christine McDougall
Christine McDougall Precession in this article is based on the principle of precession as defined by R. Buckminster Fuller —the effect of bodies in motion on other bodies in motion.  The Sun and the Earth are both bodies in motion. Despite the 180 degree gravitational pull of the in-motion Sun upon the in-motion Earth, precession […]
Feature Article: Leading the 21st Century : The Conception-Aware, Object-Oriented Organization
Bonnitta Roy
­­­­(A New View of Organizations & Human Action) Bonnitta Roy and Jean Trudel Part I: Conception Aware The Relevant Situation: The 21st Century’s Double Bind A decade ago, Stuart Kaufmann (2000) made a bold claim for the 21st century mindset, “The universe and the biosphere keep advancing into a persistent adjacent possible” (p 84).  For most […]
Feature Article: Thinking about Integral
Gary Hawke
Gary Hawke As I have been developing the Integral Alive model, it appears that I am spending time feeling into the inquiry of—what does Integral mean. The more I have pursued this question, the more I began to realise that if I want to use the word Integral, then I better understand, not just what […]
Feature Article: Leadership is as Simple as A Child’s Game of Marbles
Gaetano R. Lotrecchiano
Transdisciplinarity, Learning, and Complexity in Fairsies, Keepsies and Mibs Gaetano R. Lotrecchiano Recently I received an email through the Science-of-Team-Science mass mailer from my colleague Steve Fiore, PhD, at Cognitive Sciences Laboratory at Central Florida University. He brought to our group’s attention an interesting quote from John Lasseter, director and chief creative officer of Pixar […]
Feature Article: On Potential Repercussions of Mega Sports Events in Russia
Eugene Pustoshkin
On Potential Repercussions of Mega Sports Events in Russia Eugene Pustoshkin I was deeply emotionally touched—up to tears—when I watched the footage of a dramatic episode that happened on June 22, 2011, where the contemporary sports legend and Brazilian football star Roberto Carlos, age 38, who currently plays at the Russian football club Anzhi and […]
Feature Article: How do Integral ARTISTS, Boomers, Gen X and Millennial Generations Impact City Values and Policy Development?
Marilyn Hamilton
How do Integral ARTISTS, Boomers, Gen X and Millennial Generations Impact City Values and Policy Development? Marilyn Hamilton and Cherlynn Beck Abstract The generational wave is a supra-wave of human life patterns that embraces many of the waves normally considered in an Integral human development model. Embracing the waves of consciousness, values and capacity development […]
Feature Article: Youth Empowerment: The Building Blocks to a More Just and Sustainable Future
Tim Takechi
Tim Takechi At first glance, Molly Freed is no different than any other high school student. She studies hard, earns good grades, pays attention to her teachers, plays soccer and hopes to get into the college of her dreams. But once you get to know her, you will discover she is far from typical. A […]
Feature Article: The Business of Spirituality
Nicholas Shannon
Commentary on a Presentation on Spiritual Intelligence and Integral Theory given by Cindy Wigglesworth to the London Integral Salon and EnlightenNext, Wednesday 25th May Nicholas Shannon Does it make sense to talk of “Spiritual Intelligence (SQ)”? And if it does, is SQ something that can be measured, and taught? Can we say that SQ is […]
Learner Papers
Learner Papers: How Organizational Archetypes Manifest at Each Level of the Gravesian Value Systems
Jorge Taborga
How Organizational Archetypes Manifest at Each Level of the Gravesian Value Systems Jorge Taborga Abstract Organizational culture provides the impetus for the behaviors in an organization which work to fulfill its mission or work against it. Schein (2010) stratifies culture into artifacts, values and beliefs, and underlying assumptions. The latter are the deeper and unexamined […]
Notes from the Field
Notes from the Field: Update and Future Regarding Terri O’Fallon’s Research: Her Talk at Seattle, WA, USA, June 14, 2011
Rev. Alia Zara Aurami-Sou, Ph.D
Update and Future Regarding Terri O’Fallon’s Research: Her Talk at Seattle, WA, USA, June 14, 2011 Rev. Alia Zara  Aurami-Sou (Nickname “OM”) Dr. Terri O’Fallon, Ph.D., (founder, researcher, faculty, and coach at Pacific Integral) gave an update (compared to her last presentation at Integral Theory Conference 2010) on her research, and some glimpses of where […]
Notes from the Field: Reaching New Heights in Leadership Education: Report on the Annual Meeting of the Association of Leadership Educators
Eric Kaufman
Reaching New Heights in Leadership Education:  Report on the Annual Meeting of the Association of Leadership Educators Eric Kaufman Climb higher. See further. Become a more powerful catalyst for leadership development than ever before. That was the focus of the 21st annual meeting of the Association of Leadership Educators (ALE). In early July, more than […]
Notes from the Field: South West Integral Group – Integral Alive Day with Gary Hawke May 22nd 2011
Tessa Martin
South West Integral Group – Integral Alive Day with Gary Hawke  May 22nd 2011 Tessa Martin I feel fortunate to have found a group of people in the South West of the UK who meet every 4 to 6 weeks because we have an interest in “Integral”.  On 22nd May we met in a village […]
Notes from the Field: 2nd Integral Conference in Moscow: “Potential and Prospects of the Integral Approach”
Victor Shiryaev
2nd Integral Conference in Moscow: “Potential and Prospects of the Integral Approach” Victor Shiryaev The Integral wave is vast and diverse, though it is mostly associated with the Northern American community, as well as some integral salons scattered around the world. While it is true that almost all of the juicy integral stuff is going […]
Notes from the Field: The Implications and Remarkable Moments of “Russian Davos”
Eugene Pustoshkin
The Implications and Remarkable Moments of “Russian Davos” Eugene Pustoshkin Action is your manifesting gift—and for every single one mistaking kindness for weakness there’s another letting equanimity fade into hierarchical indifference. So graduate from seeking an exodus already, or striving to disintegrate into nonduality; dance, bleed, tear, laugh—accept the rapture as inevitable and continual rebirth. […]
Leadership Emerging
Leadership Emerging: Descriptions of Books, Articles and Other Media
Russ Volckmann
Descriptions of varying lengths of books, articles and other media that might be of interest to those who are interested in leading and leadership. Russ Volckmann   Bruce J. Avolio. Full Range Leadership, 2nd Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011. Bruce Avolio has been a top researcher and thought leader in the area of leader […]
Book Reviews
Book Review: The Postconventional Personality: Assessing, Researching, and Theorizing Higher Development
Glen Rogers
Book Review: The Postconventional Personality: Assessing, Researching, and Theorizing Higher Development Angela Pfaffenberger, Paul Marko, and Allan Combs (Editors). The Postconventional Personality: Assessing, Researching, and Theorizing Higher Development. Albany, New York State University Press, 2011. Glen Rogers Religion is poetry that we believe in – Santayana This edited book on the farthest reaches of adult holistic development […]
Book Review: Dialogical Self Theory: Positioning and Counter-positioning in Globalizing Society
John Rowan
Hubert Hermans & Agnieszka Hermans-Konopka (2010)/ Dialogical Self Theory: Positioning and Counter-positioning in Globalizing Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. John Rowan This is a brilliant book which would be of interest to Integral people for three reasons: although it does not have a concept of levels, it does range over all four quadrants of the […]
Russ Volckmann
‘Good Leadership for All’ Day Tuesday, 25 October 2011 in London Good Leadership for All – A Fundamental Need of Global Citizens Good leadership is much needed around the world, not only at governmental levels and in business organisations, but also in all other contexts, cultures, and at all societal levels. Indeed, good leadership […]
Coda: The State of Integral
Russ Volckmann
The State of Integral Russ Volckmann As some of you may remember I did an interview in the October 2010 issue of Integral Leadership Review with Ken Wilber on the state of integral work in the world. We (or should I say, I) only scratched the surface of this topic. The Integral Leadership Collaborative Conference […]