Author Archives: Nicholas Shannon

Fresh Perspective: Anthony Grayling on Educating for Leadership

Fresh Perspective / January 2012

Nick Shannon

Anthony Grayling MA, DPhil (Oxon) FRSL, FRSA is Master of the New College of the Humanities, and a Supernumerary Fellow of St Anne’s College, Oxford. Until 2011 he was

Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London. He has written and edited over twenty books on philosophy and other subjects; among his most recent are “The Good Book”, “Ideas That Matter”, “Liberty in the Age of Terror” and “To Set Prometheus Free”.

Leading Comments: Some British Contributions to Integral Leadership

Leading Comments / January 2012

Nick Shannon

This issue of the Integral Leadership Review is brought to you from Great Britain. Although the names Great Britain and the United Kingdom (UK) are used interchangeably, technically the term Great Britain refers to the island occupied by England, Scotland and Wales, but does not include Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK. Britain’s position as an island on the edge of Europe and its close relations with the U.S.A. define it politically …

Book Review: Buffalo Maps

Book Reviews / January 2012

Nick Obolensky. Complex Adaptive Leadership. Farnham, Surrey, England: Gower, 2010

Nick Shannon

In one of the appendices to this book, the author tells a story about Cheyenne Indian tribes whose initiation rights for young men included sending them out on a hunt for buffalos. Invariably such hunts were initially unsuccessful. Returning empty handed, initiates would be sent to the medicine man who would bolster their courage and confidence by providing a “magic” buffalo map, written on …

Feature Article: The Business of Spirituality

Feature Articles / August 2011

Commentary on a Presentation on Spiritual Intelligence and Integral Theory given by Cindy Wigglesworth to the London Integral Salon and EnlightenNext, Wednesday 25th May

Nicholas Shannon

Does it make sense to talk of “Spiritual Intelligence (SQ)”? And if it does, is SQ something that can be measured, and taught? Can we say that SQ is something that humans develop, and if so, could it be that it develops in humans in a series of stages? …

Book Review: The Vertical Dimension. Blueprint to Align Business and Talent Development

Book Reviews / June 2011

Elliot Jaques Revisited

Jan De Visch, The Vertical Dimension. Blueprint to Align Business and Talent Development (Connect & Transform Press, 2010) ISBN 978-94-9069-538-5. Available from

Nick Shannon

At first sight this is not a book about leaders or leadership. It is a book about organizational development setting out a theory of the thinking and processes that lead to organizational success. And, whilst not explicitly aimed at business, the focus is very much on organizations that …

Notes from the Field: “Big Society” Lacks the Leadership Skills to Make It Happen

Notes from the Field / March 2011

“Big Society” Lacks the Leadership Skills to Make It Happen

Nick Shannon

With much fanfare, the UK prime minister David Cameron recently relaunched the Conservative party’s flagship policy called “Big Society”. Up to now, the UK public have struggled to get their minds around exactly what the “Big Society” means, and the idea has frequently been ridiculed in the UK tabloid press[i].  In essence, the idea behind the policy is that “big government” in the form …