Category Archives: Feature Articles

09/3 – A New Take on Leadership for the 21st Century with New Methods for Development and Transformation: LQ –Leader Intelligence and Development Dialogues

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Marika Ronthy

We need a new understanding of what leadership is all about and the skills that must be developed to meet the requirements of a new world. We also need dynamic tools for development and transformation.

Why do we need a new understanding? Why do we need new methods and new tools? Why can leaders no longer do as they have always done? There are three simple answers: Firstly, we need a new understanding because the world is going …

09/3 – Reflections on the Ethics of Process Consultation in the 21st Century

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Otto Laske

To memory of social critic Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979)


In this paper, I am taking a critical, socio-historical perspective on what is presented today as “factual” insight into the structure of the development of adults, both social-emotional and cognitive. I intend to show that the scientific construct of “adult development” is actually an affirmative codification of a historical situation that gradually came into existence through the demise of the uomo universale of the Renaissance. We have come a …

08/15 – Thinking About Integral

Feature Articles / August 2011

Gary Hawke

As I have been developing the Integral Alive model, it appears that I am spending time feeling into the inquiry of —what does Integral mean. The more I have pursued this question, the more I began to realise that if I want to use the word Integral, then I better understand, not just what it means, but also in what circumstances I am using Integral.

In the past, I held with the idea that my Integral work sits …

08/15-Tension and Compression: Pre-requisites for a Healthy Business

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Christine McDougall

This article has been written after years of working with businesses and leaders within business. The examples of businesses that work well with tension and compression are rare. Most of the businesses that get this right are small and agile. They have unquestioned clarity around the service their business provides and they hold this core integrity as sacred.

Any breakthrough agenda for Business as Unusual needs to consider at the minimum four components.

  1. The interior dimension of the

08/15 – Joyful Work: Re-imagining Engagement, Creativity and Performance

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Kirstin McGuire

The depth and breadth of unrealized human potential currently lying dormant in our Eco is more than a match for any personal, local, societal, global, economical or ecological problem we face. The full actualization of these potentials through constructing a creative and transformative educational and leadership effort is our opportunity. (McCaslin, 2013, p. 7)

Breathing Life Back into Creativity at Work

Despite billions of dollars and countless hours invested in talent development, businesses still struggle with unlocking the

Self-Deception in Leadership from a Developmental Perspective

Feature Articles / June 2013

“A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool”
– William Shakespeare, “As You Like It”, Act 5 scene 1

As we ponder the possibility of a recovery from the recent economic slowdown and other political and economic uncertainties it is easy to think that this century and millennium, whose birth was celebrated so enthusiastically thirteen years ago, has not got off to the most auspicious start. It seems that leaders worldwide

The AQAL Cube for Dummies

Feature Articles / June 2013

Lexi Neale

Author’s Note: The above title is not intended to be demeaning, dear Reader, but more of an inside joke between Russ and I. Russ has twice approached me about an AQAL Cube article, and has twice shied away from what I sent him. His complaint? Too complex! So I have finally relented and taken his observation to heart. I sincerely hope that the following extension of Ken Wilber’s AQAL Square model is at least comprehensible, if not acceptable!

Tau Bada: An Agent of Change’s Story

Feature Articles / June 2013

John Quinlan

Over a period of seven years, John Quinlan and his wife, Fiona, traversed the rivers, valleys and mountains of Papua, New Guinea, visiting innumerable villages on a remote plateau located in the Oro Province. During this time, they generally were considered a familiar and welcome presence, greeted warmly by the region’s farmers and villagers as they concentrated on building Java Mama, a locally based certified organic coffee business.

The following excerpts are extracted from the manuscript titled “

Warren Buffet’s Transformation in Leadership: Part 2

Feature Articles / June 2013

Edward J. Kelly


Despite the intuitive feel of constructive-developmental theory (Kegan, 1980; 1994; McCauley et al., 2006; Torbert, 1987, 1994, 2004), it has had very little impact on the mainstream literature in leadership development. One reason for this maybe a lack of exemplars to tell the developmental story. The findings from this research may help to change that. My study of Warren Buffett concludes that Buffett’s development has gone through ‘seven transformations in meaning-making’ and that these transformations have

Cognition: Theory, Measurement, Implications

Feature Articles / June 2013

Maretha Prinsloo and Paul Barrett


Given the spectrum of consciousness as postulated by various consciousness theorists, cognition, according to Wilber’s All Quadrants All Levels (AQAL) metatheory merely represents a developmental “line” or “stream”, and does not encapsulate the essence or apex of consciousness. However, as proposed in a previous article on consciousness theory (Prinsloo, 2012), the fractal nature of the various “streams or lines” of development reflects that of the overall evolutionary emergence of consciousness, all of which involve