January 2012
Table of Contents
Leading Comments
Leading Comments: Some British Contributions to Integral Leadership
Nicholas Shannon
Nick Shannon This issue of the Integral Leadership Review is brought to you from Great Britain. Although the names Great Britain and the United Kingdom (UK) are used interchangeably, technically the term Great Britain refers to the island occupied by England, Scotland and Wales, but does not include Northern Ireland, which is part of the […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip
Graham Ward
The Power of Group Coaching in Developing the Self-Authoring Leader Graham Ward According to one theory of screenwriting, there are seven basic plots. Any book you read, play you attend or film you watch, will likely fall into one of these archetypal narratives. So what are these plots that so easily define our human condition? […]
Fresh Perspective
Fresh Perspective: James O’Dea – Peace and Sanity
Russ Volckmann
Russ Volckmann James O’Dea is one of those people who hasn’t just talked about peace. He has had a career that has been dedicated to peace and human rights. He has a fascinating career with organizations that I’ve supported through donations and membership: Amnesty International and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. He was the CEO […]
Fresh Perspective: Anthony Grayling on Educating for Leadership
Nicholas Shannon
Nick Shannon Anthony Grayling MA, DPhil (Oxon) FRSL, FRSA is Master of the New College of the Humanities, and a Supernumerary Fellow of St Anne’s College, Oxford. Until 2011 he was Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London. He has written and edited over twenty books on philosophy and other subjects; among his […]
Column: Journeys into the Integral North
Mark McCaslin
Putting Wisdom to Work in the World Adventures of Ideas Mark McCaslin [We are delighted to announce the beginning of a new column that will be appearing in each issue of Integral Leadership Review. Mark McCaslin is an innovator and is in passionate pursuit of learning through sense- and meaning-making. But he doesn’t stop there. […]
Feature Articles
Leadership Wisdom and the Perspective of Time
Andrew Munro
Andrew Munro “Decisions taken today are driven by our visions of tomorrow and based on what we learned yesterday.” – Professor Bruce Lloyd Executive Summary The concept of wisdom is making a comeback (1). Following a period of business folly and fiasco, there is a growing realisation that classic competency frameworks fail to integrate fully […]
The Role of Values in Leadership: How Leaders’ Values Shape Value Creation
Scott Lichtenstein
Scott Lichtenstein Introduction: We’ve Been Practicing Leadership for Over 6,000 Years; What Else Do We Need to Know? The Pharaohs leading the cadres managing the work teams that built the pyramids understood leadership (Dade 2008). The Imperial Emperors knew how to lead the Chinese civil service that held China together for thousands of years. The […]
Perception, Reversibility, “Flesh”: Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology and Leadership as Embodied Practice
Donna Ladkin
Donna Ladkin From the end of the 1990s to the present, a growing shift can be seen in the leadership literature away from predominantly cognitively-based accounts to those which recognise the emotional (Bono & Ilies 2006), affective (Naidoo, Kohari, Lord & DuBois 2010) and aesthetic (Hansen, Ropo & Sauer 2007; Ladkin 2008) aspects of leadership. […]
Epoch of Transformation: An Interpersonal Leadership Model for the 21st Century–Part 1
Nick Ross
Nick Ross ”There is nothing in the world that does not have its decisive moment, and the masterpiece of good conduct is to see and seize this moment.” Cardinal de Retz “Psychology must be gained for it is not given and without psychological education we do not understand ourselves and we suffer”. James Hillman 1926-2011 […]
Getting Back to the Body: Leadership Lessons on Power from the Martial Arts and Somatic Tradition
John Tuite
John Tuite Why the Body Matters to Leadership Some twenty plus years ago when I began training as a secondary school teacher, I had a few run-ins with a difficult class or two. There is a particularly sharp anguish that one experiences when a classroom of teenagers disintegrates beneath your hands. But it does compel […]
Analytic-Network Coaching©: Coaching for Distributed ‘Eco’ Leadership and Organizational Change
Simon Western
  Simon Western Introduction Organizations are changing fast, driven by emerging new technologies and globalization that makes our world smaller and more interdependent. Transnational corporations, population increase, new communication technologies, the demise of natural resources and climate change, new social networks and social movements, have all led to social and organizational changes that demand a […]
Towards an Integrated Assessment of Leadership Potential
Maretha Prinsloo
Maretha Prinsloo Abstract This paper focuses on the assessment of leadership potential in terms of a number of related philosophical, theoretical, and technical considerations. A critical evaluation of current assessment practice is followed by the introduction of alternative assessment methodologies and techniques aimed at measuring consciousness, cognition, and motivation. Practical guidelines for integrated and holistic […]
Notes from the Field
Spiritual Friendship with Thomas Hubl: A Weekend Workshop at One Spirit Learning Alliance
Michael Stern
(October 15-16, 2011) Michael Stern One of the brightest stars of the Integral spiritual scene, in my opinion, is Thomas Hubl, a young Austrian teacher who brings a clarity and depth of presence that is as profound as it is soothing. Thomas has quite a large following in Europe, but his popularity in the United […]
Martin Ucik, Author of Integral Relationships, in Discourse with Integral New York
Robin Reinach and Barbara Larisch
Barbara Larisch and Robin Reinach Does Integral make us happier? Martin Ucik questioned at the beginning of his presentation to Integral New York on Oct. 17, 2011. This issue hung in the air throughout Ucik’s presentation at iNY’s beautiful new home at One Spirit Interfaith on West 36th Street. Our long rectangular room was packed […]
The Spiral Dance of Spiritual Growth: Navigating the Whitewater of Individuation and Belonging
Michael Stern
Michael Stern When I arrived home in New York City back in September, my number one priority was to find the NYC Integral community and get involved. One of the first places my search led me to was One Spirit Learning Alliance. I recently enrolled in the Integral Mentors and Ministers program there, and my […]
International Integral Journey with Coach Institute, Russia
Alexander Savkin and Philipp Guzenuk
Alexander Savkin and Philipp Guzenuk In October of 2011 the Coach Institute Russia, located in St. Petersburg, joined in partnership with our United States strategic partner Dana Carman, to host a two-week adventure in the US that we called the International Integral Journey. At Coach Institute we have been studying and practicing integral theory and […]
The 4th Integral Meeting: Mindful Mind, Conscious Life – Gdańsk, Poland
Ola Solawe
SPIN 2011 18-20th Nov. 2011 Ola Solawe The Madness of Modern Life In modern-day rapid changes, information overload, ever-growing complexity and chronic stress are “normal” state. On a global scale these take shape of unresolvable conflicts, whose reasons and possible solutions remain totally unknown. One example is the latest crisis, unfolding before our very eyes. […]
The 13th Annual International Leadership Association Global Conference, October 2011 in London, England
David Holzmer
David Holzmer In A Theory of Everything Ken Wilber (2001) makes the point that “catalytic factors from several dimensions need to be present in order for transformation to occur”(p. 33). As Wilber goes on, he makes the point that conditions and/or circumstances from multiple quadrants of the AQAL model need to simultaneously be aligned in […]
Russian December: The Layers of Protests in Russia
Dmitry Baranov
Dmitry Baranov   Image acquired from the Wikipedia article on 2011 Russian protests Dmitry Baranov   Russia witnesses a complex sociopolitical situation today. It is well-known that in 1917 the country experienced a revolution, the result of which was the overthrowing of the Czar’s power and the beginning of 70 years of the greatest experiment […]
Leadership Emerging
Leadership Emerging
Russ Volckmann
  [These brief explorations of books, articles and other content are intended to provide a flavor for their contents and an opportunity for me to seek out elements that are tributaries to the integral, developmental, transdisciplinary ocean of thought that I have being critical to our futures. I ask forgiveness if any of my comments […]
Book Reviews
Book Review: Buffalo Maps
Nicholas Shannon
Nick Obolensky. Complex Adaptive Leadership. Farnham, Surrey, England: Gower, 2010 Nick Shannon In one of the appendices to this book, the author tells a story about Cheyenne Indian tribes whose initiation rights for young men included sending them out on a hunt for buffalos. Invariably such hunts were initially unsuccessful. Returning empty handed, initiates would […]
Book Review: Integral Psychotherapy and With a Commentary on Ken Wilber’s AQAL and Types
John Rowan
John Rowan Mark D Forman. A Guide to Integral Psychotherapy: Complexity, Integration and Spirituality in Practice. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2010. R. Elliott Ingersoll & David M Zeitler. Integral Psychotherapy: Inside Out. Outside In. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2010.         Two books on the same subject, from the same publisher, in the […]
Coda: Change is on My Mind
Russ Volckmann
  Do you think you can just take over the universe and improve it? I do not believe it can be done The Universe is sacred You cannot improve it If you try to change it, you will ruin it. If you try to hold it, you will lose it. So sometimes things are ahead […]
Retrospective: Summit on the Future of Great Britain – 2009
Keith Rice
Keith E. Rice [Editors’s Note: This is a retrospective that seems appropriate to include in this special issue. Born in 2009, this Spiral Dynamics integral initiative with the formation of the Center For Human Emergence UK, has since lost some of its steam. Three of the key organizers, Keith Rice, Rosemary Wilkie and Lynne Sedgmore are no […]
African Integral Development Network (AIDEN) with a New Approach to Effective Leadership for Africa
Etim Omini
Welcome Address in 2011 African Integral Development Network (AIDEN)/University of Calabar International Conference on the theme Advancing into the 21st Century: Exploring Best Approaches to Effective Leadership for Africa, at Channel View Hotel, MCC Road Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria, November 16 – 18, 2011. Etim Omini, FCAI President, AIDEN Today, we hold the second […]
Integral Life Practice
Lillian Enyang Oyama
Lillian Enyang Oyama Introduction Integral Life practice (ILP), as the name implies entails a conscious performance of deliberately chosen activities aimed at enhancing one’s life in a more profound, meaningful, and fulfilling way.  These activities/practices are specifically targeted at the four primary dimensions of the individual being or whole person – body, mind, spirit, and […]
International Leadership Conference and Integral Leadership Education Program in Nigeria
Oliver Ngodo
Oliver Ngodo November 2011 will go down as very significant in the history of Integral Movement globally. 16 – 18 of the month marked the graduation of the trainees of what may be one of the first formal and publicly acknowledged Integral Leadership Education Program in the world; certainly this is the first of its […]