March 2011
Table of Contents
Leadership Cartoon
Leadership Cartoon: Mark Hill
Mark Hill
Mark Hill l am a cartoonist whose cartoons have been published in over 100 magazines and newspapers, including Time Magazine, The Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times. My specialty is cartoons and humorous illustration for advertising, business and publish- ing. Fortune 500 clients with national advertising campaigns are among my repeat custom- ers…as well […]
Leading Comments
Leading Comments: Building Bridges
Russ Volckmann
We appreciate your help in funding this entirely volunteer publication.  You can help us with a gift. Join Friends of ILR with a gift of US$10.00 or more. Thanks! In recent times, thanks to individuals who believe that ILR is an academic journal, I have had the opportunity to hone my elevator speech about Integral […]
Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote: Joseph Byaruhanga & Sidney Hook
Russ Volckmann
Leadership is like a panicle of rice because at the height of the season, at the height of its power, it is beautiful, it is green, it nourishes the world, it reaches for the heavens; but right before the harvest it bends over with great gratitude and humility to touch the earth from where it […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip: Leadership Coaching From an SDi Perspective
Rachel Castagne
Leadership Coaching From an SDi Perspective Rachel Castagne Leader: A person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. ‘To lead’: To cause a person or animal to go with one, especially by drawing them along or by preceding them to a destination.   Clare Graves’ research and theory on levels of existence, or […]
Fresh Perspective
Fresh Perspective: Putting Integral to Work: An Interview with Laura Roberts, CEO, Pantheon Chemical
Russ Volckmann
The following interview is one of many initially conducted as part of the research for a writing project. We hope to share more of these interviews, because the work of these entrepreneurs and executives demonstrates the viability of a well conceived leader development program—in this case the Stagen Integral Leadership Program based in Dallas, Texas. […]
Feature Articles
Featured Article: Embodied Intelligence: An Integral View of the Body, An AQAL Model of Embodied Phenomena and Practices
Mark Walsh
Mark Walsh What is exactly is physical intelligence? What are some of the ways your body can be experienced, employed and developed? How do we make sense of the multitude of embodied practices now available to do this? This paper is intended for those with at least a passing familiarity with Ken Wilber’s integral theory […]
Featured Article: Resilience Through The Integral Lens – A Case Study
Maureen Metcalf and Belinda Gore
Maureen Metcalf and Belinda Gore This article takes a look at resilience through an integral lens. We will explore how we define it, how we applied it to a client project, our findings, and our analysis. Our objective in writing this article is to contribute to the literature of applied integral theory about leadership development […]
Featured Article: Leadership for Sustainable Change
Vernice Solimar
“I don’t have a message; my message is my life.”  ~Gandhi Vernice Solimar   Being the change We live in a time of great transition in which our experiences and concepts of self, society and the universe are continuously dying and transforming; a time in which the most compelling need is visionary leadership that initiates […]
Featured Article: Provisos from a Users Guide to Integral Developmental Theories
Russ Volckmann
Tom Murray Integral theories of adult development attempt to capture, synthesize, apply, and extend the state of the art from many scholarly threads, shedding new light on our understanding of the developmental process. Yet human development is exceedingly complex and taxes our abilities to understand and model it. Is our shared understanding of development sufficient […]
Featured Article: Leading in Uncertain Times: Leadership Characteristics of the Self-Transforming Mind
Russ Volckmann
Camden C. Danielson Do you know your people?  And do you love them? Mother Teresa Address to Indian HR Executives The global environment is increasing the degree of complexity for organizations operating anywhere in the world. With it arises the need for a different kind of inquiry operating within our lives and organizations. The requirement […]
Featured Article: Transcendent leadership: Pathway to global sustainability
John Jacob Zucker Gardiner
John Jacob Zucker Gardiner Paper presented at the first Working Collaboratively for Sustainability International Conference, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington, April 12, 2009.   Global sustainability – social, economic, and environmental—is best served by an emergent leadership metaphor that serves the triple bottom lines of profits, people, and planet of the 21st century global corporation: transcendent […]
Feature Article: Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education, Part 5
Russ Volckmann
Sustainability through Transdisciplinarity and Integrality: Institute for Sustainable Futures, the University of Technology, Sydney Australia Russ Volckmann and Sue L.T.McGregor We have been exploring “academic” programs in transdisciplinarity for about one year. It may be a mistake to refer to them as “academic,” because one of the features of these programs is that they are […]
Feature Article: An Integral Approach to Project Management
Brad McManus and Ron Cacioppe
Brad McManus & Ron Cacioppe Abstract   Projects are an important management approach to improving organisational effectiveness. This paper describes how project management can contribute to achievement of an organisation’s strategy and sustainable success by adopting a more holistic, ‘integral’ approach to a project and the leadership of people during the stages of a project. […]
Featured Article: Organisations, AQAL, and the Global Context
John M. Bunzl
John M. Bunzl There has hardly been an epoch in which organisations played a more prominent role than our own. Be they governments, businesses or non-governmental organisations (NGOs), all of them deeply affect our lives and society as a whole. Moreover, at this time of deepening global crisis and change, understanding the systemic ways organisations […]
Featured Article: Demystifying Transdisciplinary Ontology: Multiple Levels of Reality and the Hidden Third
Sue L. T. McGregor
Sue L. T. McGregor Acknowledgement: Sincere gratitude to Professor Basarab Nicolescu (President of International Center for Transdisciplinary Research, CIRET) for vetting a draft of this paper, and for being such a gracious and patient TD-mentor. This paper is about transdisciplinary (TD) methodology, especially TD ontology. Methodology is a branch of knowledge that deals with the […]
Notes from the Field
Notes from the Field: Mexico from an Economic Miracle to Potential Failed State
Roberto Bonilla N.
Mexico from an Economic Miracle to Potential Failed State Roberto Bonilla N. The problems we confront are not due to our failures, but to our previous success Don E. Beck, PhD “We do not deserve this country,” a young businessman said to Dr. Don Beck back in April 2007, when we (Dr. Don Beck, Karina […]
Notes from the Field: “Big Society” Lacks the Leadership Skills to Make It Happen
Nicholas Shannon
“Big Society” Lacks the Leadership Skills to Make It Happen Nick Shannon With much fanfare, the UK prime minister David Cameron recently relaunched the Conservative party’s flagship policy called “Big Society”. Up to now, the UK public have struggled to get their minds around exactly what the “Big Society” means, and the idea has frequently […]
Notes from the Field: Emerging Integral Approaches at a Large Land Development Project in the Netherlands
Machiel Doorn
Emerging Integral Approaches at a Large Land Development Project in the Netherlands Machiel Doorn This paper discusses the development and implementation of an integral sustainability framework, inspired by Cradle to Cradle principles, at a large land development project and horticultural show in the Netherlands.  It provides hands-on, real-world accounts and discusses novel monitoring and reporting […]
Notes from the Field: The Integral Leadership Panel at Fielding Graduate University
Sergej van Middendorp
The Integral Leadership Panel at Fielding Graduate University Sergej van Middendorp This January, at Fielding Graduate University’s winter session, Jerry Snow facilitated the integral leadership panel. In this session, a group of doctoral students and alumni gathered around Russ Volckmann, Clint Fuhs, Aliki Nicolaides, Nancy Wallis, and Anne Acosta to listen to and discuss their […]
Notes from the Field: Integral Spiritual Experience
Barbara Alexander
Integral Spiritual Experience Barbara Alexander “You know an authentically pleasurable experience by its aftertaste” says my friend Marc Gafni, one of the key architects of Integral Spiritual Experience 2. He and his partners certainly produced an authentically pleasurable experience. More than two months later, the aftertaste, rich and challenging, remains with me. Integral Spiritual Experience, […]
Notes from the Field: Evolving States and Stages of Consciousness
Russ Volckmann
Evolving States and Stages of Consciousness Venita Ramirez, Geoff Fitch and Terri O’Fallon How do people develop? What do the later stages of consciousness look like? Are there methods and practices we can employ to facilitate the process? Robert Kegan (1994), Suzanne Cook-Greuter (2002) and others have contributed a great deal to the field of […]
Notes from the Field: The Spiral Dance of Spiritual Growth: Navigating the Whitewater of Individuation and Belonging
Michael Stern
The Spiral Dance of Spiritual Growth: Navigating the Whitewater of Individuation and Belonging (and a poem by Brianna Schlesinger) Michael Stern When I arrived home in New York City back in September, my number one priority was to find the NYC Integral community and get involved. One of the first places my search led me […]
Leadership Emerging
Leadership Emerging: Descriptions of Books, Articles and Other Media
Russ Volckmann
Kirsty Spence and Mark McDonald, Linking Developmental Action Logics to Transformational Leadership Behaviors, Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, December 2010. Aside from a couple of early articles of an introductory nature and Clint Fuhs integral examination of eight leadership books, articles on leadership in JITP have been rare. This should not be too surprising […]
Book Reviews
Book Review: La Voie. Pour l’avenir de l’humanité
Michel Nguyen The
This Way, Please! Review of Edgar Morin’s, La Voie. Pour l’avenir de l’humanité Michel Nguyen The   In his last book and essay La Voie (The Way, January 2011), Edgar Morin shows us the way, for the future of humanity (as suggested by the subtitle).  He makes it clear that he is talking about the […]
Book Review: Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?
Ron Cacioppe
Robert Goffee and Gareth Jones, Why Should Anyone Be Led by You? What It Takes to Be an Authentic Leader Ron Cacioppe Many companies are managed not by leaders, but by role players and boring bureaucrats. But what does it take to be a real leader—one who is confident in who she is and what […]
Book Review: Spirituality and Business: Exploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradigm
Brian Van der Horst
Sharda S. Nandram and Margot Esther Borden, Editors. Spirituality and Business: Exploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradigm. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Publishers, 2010 Brian Van der Horst Writing about spirituality and business has always seemed to me about as easy as nailing Jello to a wall. However, the editor/authors of this book have done […]
Book Review: Naturally Selected: The Evolutionary Science of Leadership
Bruce Gibb
Naturally Selected: The Evolutionary Science of Leadership by Mark van Vugt and Anjana Ahuja (New York: HarperCollins), 2011. Bruce Gibb The authors purport to present a “brand new theory of leadership, grounded in evolutionary science” which they dub the “Evolutionary Theory of Leadership” or ELT. They accept what they call the textbook definition of a […]
Russ Volckmann
The Center for Human Emergence Netherlands Fifth annual Spiral Dynamics integral EuroConFab, April 8 -10, 2011 Almere, The Netherlands Register at The purpose is to create an internationally shared field of best practices of emergence and evolutionary change. Share  and discuss your findings and challenges as a SDi practitioner We invite you to put […]
Russ Volckmann
Reflections on Guggenbhul-Craig’s Power in the Helping Professions. Recently, Jeannie and I had the pleasure of being the guests of Don Benson and Helen Spector (Benson) while they were vacationing in Sedona, Arizona. Don is a much-ion-demand consultant on supply change management, as well as an innovator and entrepreneur. In addition, he is probably the […]