Category Archives: Feature Articles

Towards an Integrated Assessment of Leadership Potential

Feature Articles / January 2012

Maretha Prinsloo


This paper focuses on the assessment of leadership potential in terms of a number of related philosophical, theoretical, and technical considerations. A critical evaluation of current assessment practice is followed by the introduction of alternative assessment methodologies and techniques aimed at measuring consciousness, cognition, and motivation. Practical guidelines for integrated and holistic leadership assessment, as well as the future of assessment, are also addressed.

1.     Introduction

The issue of leadership is central to the practice of industrial …

Transdisciplinarity in Action: An Ethnographic Study of MIT SENSEable City Lab’s Organizational Culture

Feature Articles / October 2011

Luca Simeone and Carlo Ratti

SENSEable City Lab (SCL) is a research initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) aimed at investigating and anticipating the ways digital technologies are changing the way people live and their implications at the urban scale (1). The SCL is nested within the City Design and Development group at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning and has had an ongoing collaboration with the MIT Media Lab. Over the past 7 years roughly 350

Where are the Women? Saging the Invisible into the Visible

Feature Articles / October 2011

Marilyn Hamilton


This article explores and seeks to answer the question Where are the Women in the Integral movement? The author utilizes the principles of “Five Deep” exploration from Beck and Spiral Dynamics along with Wilber’s AQAL model to explore circumstances that, she proposes, may have produced a mismatch in stage development between women and men. With reference to Baron-Cohen’s notion of “Essential Difference” the author will also offer an evolutionary explanation as to where the integral women are

Emerging Concepts and Forms of Integral Leadership: Embodying a Radically New Development Paradigm

Feature Articles / October 2011

Alain Gauthier

My intention in this article is to explore emerging concepts and forms of integral leadership, pursuing how they can be scaled up to bring humanity – across the planet – onto an evolutionary and sustainable course. After offering some fresh distinctions about leadership, the article calls for a shift to a radically innovative development model and points to key qualities and practices of evolutionary leadership. I then share some views on the multiplying effects of an integral approach …

Mindfulness and Leadership: Opening up to Possibilities

Feature Articles / October 2011

Don Dunoon and Ellen Langer

A challenge for those of us who want to exercise leadership is to step beyond the obvious, to discern more broadly and keenly the factors bearing on an issue, to be more receptive to divergent perspectives and novel information, and to be more mindful. To be mindful is not simply to be a thoughtful, open-minded individual. Most of us think we are generally observant, open, and receptive to new information and ideas; but how true …

Spiral Dynamics Integral in Action in a Roma Community in Romania

Feature Articles / October 2011

Alexandre (Rico) de Faria


This article is about the sustainable and healthy human development along the path of human evolution—the Spiral. It is based on a broader study of the impact of a Roma school on the Roma (gypsy) community (RC) in the town of XY, Romania[1]. Using Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDI), Romanian and international policies and program supporting Roma communities were reviewed in order to assess their alignment (relevance) to the Roma community of XY—given its value systems,

The Quality Centre Refugee Women from an Integral Perspective

Feature Articles / October 2011


Leida Schuringa

1. Introduction

In this article you will find the integral story of the Quality Centre Refugee Women. The Quality centre supports refugee women to discover and develop their talents in Dutch society. The preparation of this initiative started 5 years ago and in November 2007 we got financed by the Orange Foundation for a period of three years. It is really a challenge to tell the story from an observer’s perspective and  to draw a whole picture …

Phenomenological Bewilderment in a University Setting

Feature Articles / October 2011

Josina van den Acker

This article is written in the context of the global need to act sustainably, which according to Smith and Stewart (2010) requires that we open our selves to opportunities to work together, collaborate and see our needs differently.

The main part of this article is written as a letter to an imagined person. As an autoethnography it may help the reader to imagine a better way of addressing diversity in the global context of higher education, …

Feminine Paths to Leadership in Italy: Perceptions of Female Italian Leaders in a Masculine Society

Feature Articles / October 2011


Elizabeth F. Turesky, Kristen S. Cloutier and Marisa F. Turesky


The authors address the dynamic interaction between culture and gendered leadership perceptions. Using Hofstede’s cultural framework of the masculinity/femininity dimension, this study explores the ways fourteen Italian women have achieved and sustained successful leadership positions in Italy and then evaluates how Italy’s dimension of masculinity/femininity affects women’s opportunities as emerging leaders. Finally, the authors conclude with suggestions for managers in Italy, which can be applied to other masculine …

Feature Article: Transdisciplinary Axiology: To Be or Not to Be?

Feature Articles / August 2011

Sue L. T. McGregor

Transdisciplinarity (TD) is fast becoming a global philosophical movement. This paper is concerned with transdisciplinary axiology, especially with the ongoing conversation aboutwhether or not this particular axiom (pillar) is needed in conjunction with the three other transdisciplinary axioms: epistemology, logic and ontology. After providing an overview of the concepts of axioms and axiology (regardless of which methodology is in question), the paper elaborates on transdisciplinary axiology as an emerging concept, addresses the role of values in …