January 2013
Table of Contents
Leadership Cartoon
Leadership Cartoon – Italy
Nico Pillinini
This cartoon was given to Integral Leadership Review by the cartoonist for this special issue on Italy. We are grateful for his generosity. Italian Democratic Party (PD) Primary 2012 – Pierluigi Bersani, PD leader is “snatching” the role as Party candidate for the incoming National Political Elections from Matteo Renzi, emerging PD leader and Mayor […]
Leading Comments
Special Issue: Leadership and Italy
Antonio Marturano
Antonio Marturano This ILR issue is dedicated to Italy. Very interestingly, Italy has had an amazing fabric of leaders and ideas on leadership since the Romans: Italy indeed did not only provide all kinds of leaders (from Machiavellian-amoralist leaders to saint and value-centred leaders) but also many Italian scholars have helped us to think about […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
I Wish Someone Would Listen to Me!
Di Rosalia Grande
Di Rosalia Grande “I wish someone would listen to me!” From this statement begins the search by those who wish to undertake a coaching process. In Italy and in the world there are many styles, approaches and structuring, the reason being that there are a wide range of approaches to offering of this “service”, Coaching […]
Fresh Perspective
Women and Wisdom in Italy: A Conversation with Vicki Noble
Mark McCaslin
Mark McCaslin Vicki Noble is a radical feminist healer, author, independent scholar and wisdom teacher. Born in 1947 and raised in Iowa, she awakened to the Goddess and Women’s Spirituality on her arrival in Berkeley, California in 1976. Through a ‘shamanic healing crisis’, she opened psychically to the healing, art, yoga, and divination processes that […]
A Theory of Everything ­– Ervin Laszlo and Antonio Marturano
Antonio Marturano
I am pleased to have interviewed Prof. Ervin Laszlo who is a systems philosopher, integral theorist, and classical pianist. Twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, he has authored more than 70 books that have been translated into nineteen languages, and has published in excess of four hundred articles and research papers, including six volumes […]
The Integral North – Integral Leadership: Boundaries, Theories, Practices and Intersections
Mark McCaslin
Mark L. McCaslin Being involved, as I am, with the Integral Leadership Review, I am often questioned about its purposes and intentions as well as its meaning. These questions set me to considering not only the scope of Integral Leadership but also its place and purpose within the wide domain of leadership studies. I believe […]
Transdisciplinary Reflections: The Sound of Surprise
Alfonso Montuori
On Order, Disorder, Creativity, and Trust Alfonso Montuori History is not something ‘back there,’ something we browse through occasionally for purposes of erudition and arcane knowledge of bygone eras: history is in our flesh and bones–and in our minds. Darwin’s great revolution was to show us that we are our history (Bocchi & Ceruti, 2002). […]
Integral Design Leadership: “Francesco Morace’s Hummingbird Strategy”
Lisa Norton
Lisa Norton Act as energy collector and catalyst of proposals, projects and people… in order to give Italy, Europe and the entire world new development perspectives and fresh growth energy. (Renaissance Link) When the context is Italy and the theme is design leadership, singling out any one individual is no easy task. Despite the glittering […]
The Master Code: Spiral Dynamics Integral
Don Beck
Lincoln and Polarization Don E. Beck No more shall the war-cry sever; Or the winding river turn red; We shall bury our anger; As we cover the graves of our dead. Love and tears for the Blue; Tears and love for the Gray. – Unknown It will always be difficult for me to separate the […]
Feature Articles
Leadership: Community, Relationship and Future
Paolo Vittozzi
Paolo Vittozzi “Kung-fu lives in everything we do” says the Master to the pupil, who wants to know why he should put the jacket on and take it off… likewise with me, since I think that: ”leadership lives in everything we do”. The kind of life I’ve lived so far has been permeated by leadership. […]
Leadership and Politics in Italy
Lorenzo Santoro
Lorenzo Santoro Traditionally, Italy has maintained a reputation as a laboratory of new and original political phenomena, being generated in movements such as Risorgimento, Fascism, Togliatti’s Communism, Berlinguer’s Eurocommunism, and Berlusconi’s charismatic media-based power system. These new and original approaches to leadership made Italy a modern and large nation state, a mix of very ancient […]
Religions and Leadership
Pedro Barrajon
Pedro Barrajon, L.C. The role that religions play has been acknowledged recently in the fields of culture, politics, economics and the different domains of social life. In the Marxist doctrine, following the severe critic that Feuerbach made in his book The Essence of Christianity, religion was considered as the opium of the people or as […]
Mafia Organization: Governance Processes and Leadership Function
Franco Di Maria and Giorgio Falgares
Franco Di Maria and Giorgio Falgares Abstract Even though Cosa Nostra is the most powerful criminal organization inthe world, few national and international studies have been carried out on this phenomenon so far. The main reasons are: a) the complexity of the study object. As a matter of fact, Cosa Nostra, in addition to being […]
A Mediterranean Adaptive Edge: Experiential Leadership across the Atlantic
Adriano Pianesi
Adriano Pianesi “The mind grows through exposure to reality.” – W. Bion I grew up and was educated in Rome, Italy. Here are a few flashbacks about my life as a learner in the Italian school system: Elementary School, 1972: Maestra Arena would consider any question from the class as a personal insult and refuse […]
Learner Papers
Occupy The System: An Integral Perspective on Leading Through Social Change
Eric Reynolds
Eric Reynolds [This is a revised version of a paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a PhD seminar, Integral Leadership, offered at Saybrook University by Russ Volckmann in the Fall 2012. The assignment was to bring an integral lens to three articles on leadership that were not required reading for the course. […]
Notes from the Field
The Integral Movement in Russia: Bigelow, Fuhs and Wilber
Eugene Pustoshkin
Ken Wilber on the Integral Movement in Russia A preface from ILR’s Bureau Chief & Associate Editor in Russia Eugene Pustoshkin: In December 2012, upon an invitation from Ipraktik (Moscow, Russia) Colin Bigelow (Ken Wilber’s Senior Assistant and member of the Board of Directors at the Integral Institute) and Clint Fuhs (CEO of the Integral […]
France—The Integral Year in Review
Brian Van der Horst
Brian Van der Horst Paris  Bureau Chief One of the most well-attended integral studies meetings in Paris this year was the “1st International Forum on the Evolution of Consciousness.” Organized by Eric Allodi and a team from Andrew Cohen’s group, EnlightenNext  France. Around 700 participants gathered to hear a combination of European and American limelights […]
An Integral Look at a Conference in Transformative Learning
Eric Reynolds
Eric Reynolds The 10th International Conference on Transformative Learning entitled A Future for Earth: Re-imagining Learning for a Transforming World was held on November 1st thru 4th in San Francisco, California. There were over 150 presenters teaching a smorgasbord of daily transformative offerings. The majority of the presenters were also participants in the conference, making […]
The Value of Experience or the Leadership of the Heart (Colin Bigelow in Spain)
Raquel Torrent
Raquel Torrent My name is Raquel Torrent, a Spanish woman that has been introducing and developing Integral Consciousness in Spain since 2003, thanks to my work as a psychologist, Integral counselor and teacher. On top of that I am a clear example of a dream come true. To explain such a statement, I have already […]
Madrid: A New Opportunity to Improve a Social Reality
Roberto Bonnilla Nunez and Catia Bernaldo de Quiros
Roberto Bonilla Núñez and Catia Bernaldo de Quirós Last October 2012, Dr. Don Beck was invited by a chapter of the Spanish Integral  Association to deliver a Spiral Dynamics Integral workshop (certification level 1). This invitation  was issued thanks to the diligent efforts of Catia Bernaldo de Quirós who several months before started exchanging emails […]
The Charity Association for Person Centred Medicine
Paolo Roberti di Sarsina
The Italian Leader Initiative Towards Sustainable, Safe, Participatory, Inclusive Person-Centered Medicine Paolo Roberti di Sarsina The Charity Association for Person Centred Medicine has been founded in Bologna, Italy, on 1st December 2007. It is registered at the Unified Charity Register Office of the Republic of Italy, in the Section for Social and Social-Health Assistance. The […]
Leadership Emerging
Jonathan Reams and Anne Caspari. Integral Leadership
Reams, J., & Caspari, A. (2012). Integral leadership: Generating space for emergence through quality of presence. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 14(3), 34-45. Abstract: This article outlines a view of integral leadership as integrity with a quality of presence that opens spaces for what wants to emerge. A focus is on describing Heifetz’s notion of adaptive leadership as creating […]
Douglas Board, Choosing Leaders and Choosing to Lead
Douglas Board. Choosing Leaders and Choosing to Lead: Science, Politics and Intuition in Executive Selection. Burlington, VT: Gower Publishing Company, 2012. It is not often I pick up a book with a Foreword by a baroness, Baroness Prashar of Runnymede. This baroness earned her title by serving as the First Civil Service Commissioner in the […]
John Renesch, The Great Growing Up
John Renesch. The Great Growing Up: Being Responsible for Humanity’s Future. Prescott, AZ: HOHM Press, 2012. John Renesch states that he coined the term conscious leadership in the early 1990s. Certainly, the blurbs supporting this book suggest that he has been long considered a positive force for development and change. For example, Patricia Aburdene, author […]
Steven Snyder, Leadership and the Art of Struggle
Steven Snyder. Leadership and the Art of Struggle: How Great Leaders Grow through Challenge and Adversity. San Francisco: Barrett-Koehler Publishers, 2012. With some reservations this book is an excellent approach to developing individuals for leader roles. First, the Foreword by Bill George is worth reading. In it you can see more of this self-reflective individual’s […]
Lina M. Echeverria, Idea Agent
Lina M. Echeverria. Idea Agent: Leadership That Liberates Creativity and Accelerates Innovation. New York: American Management Association, 2013. I need to be up front about something before commenting on this book. It was recommended to me by two friends of mine who indicated the author was a friend of theirs. I did not anticipate that […]
Antonio Marturano, Editorial, Leadership, 2012 8: 205
Antonio Marturano, Editorial, Leadership, 2012 8: 205. http://lea.sagepub.com/content/8/3/205.citation Antonio Marturano, ILR Bureau Chief for Italy and guest editor of this special issue, was the Editor of the August 2012 issue of Leadership, one of the leading academic journals on the subject. The material in this journal provides more in depth treatments of subjects also found […]
Philip Weiss, Hyperthinking
Philip Weiss.   Hyperthinking: Creating a New Mindset for the Age of Networks. Burlington, VT: Gower Publishing, 2012. In the world of integral leadership we read a lot about developing worldviews, values, consciousness and the like. Often cognitive development is assumed. In this small volume we find a presentation of an approach to thinking this is […]
Book Reviews
Toni C. King and S. Alease Ferguson, Black Womanist Leadership
Adeeba Deterville
King, T. C., & Ferguson, S. A. (2011). Black Womanist Leadership: Tracing the Motherline (Kindle ed.). New York: State University of New York Press. Adeeba Deterville The book is an important addition to the field of leadership as it may be the first of its kind to address the concept of leadership development through the […]
Oliver Robinson, Development through Adulthood
Gerard Bruitzman
Integrative, Vedantin, or Neither Oliver Robinson. Development through Adulthood: An Integrative Sourcebook. Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.  Gerard Bruitzman Have you seen any one of the many productions now available featuring Stephen Hawking as he describes on the grounds of mathematical physics the grand design of the universe? As Hawking tells his awesome story with […]
Russ Volckmann
How can we not think about transitions at this time of year? We have just gone through the transitions of the Mayan calendar to a new era. And we have transitioned into the beginning of a new year according to the Gregorian calendar. In a week from writing this we have a full moon in […]
Special Articles
Foundations of a Neo-Integral Transformational Leadership and Organizational Development
Marc G. Lucas
Marc G. Lucas This article aims at providing a systematic overview of the concrete forms of appearance of and options for an emergent integral leadership research and related theory construction. First, the integral approach is described by its origin and validity claims. Then – in terms of a multi-theoretical approach – it is made available […]
Global Options and Linkages[1]: Towards an Evolutionary Complex Systems Approach to International Development
Alexandre (Rico) de Faria
Alexandre (Rico) de Faria Development takes place as people learn how to change/improve their daily actions/behaviour. Innovation takes place when the new behaviour results from a change in values and beliefs – that is, when change on the ground is not simply a superficial external behaviour but a reflection of an internal change in people’s […]